• 17 things to do before conception
  • Preparation
  • The final decision

 things before conception preparation
 8. Make an exercise program and follow it

If you regularly, will reward a healthy body ready for pregnancy. In addition, exercise reduces stress, which, experts believe, can interfere with conception.

You come exercise with moderate exercise, such as walking, cycling or weight training.

To increase flexibility, do some stretching or yoga. When you become pregnant, you can continue to exercise, of course, except when the pregnancy goes to complications and doctors forbid you any load.

If previously you have had a low level of activity, start with light loads, for example, to walk 10-20 minutes a day. Gradually increase physical activity - for this purpose, in addition to exercise, you can simply climb the stairs every day instead of the elevator, or park the car a few blocks from work.

 17 things to do before conception - Preparation

9. Visit the dentist

When you are preparing for pregnancy, be sure to visit the dentist. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause problems with teeth and gum disease. For example, the gum may swell, hurt or bleed when you brush your teeth.

However, if you take care of oral health in advance, the risk of such complications is much lower. Visit the dentist, especially if you have not done this in the past six months.

 17 things to do before conception - Preparation

10. Find out your family history

It is necessary to find out the medical history of the family and the family of his partner to find out whether you have a predisposition to hereditary diseases. Find out whether your families in cases of Down's syndrome, sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, Tay-Sachs disease, blood clotting disorders. Also it is necessary to know not whether your families of children with mental retardation and birth defects.

Doctor during the inspection will ask you a few questions on these topics, and depending on the answers, can refer for further examination.

 17 things to do before conception - Preparation

11. Think of the costs

It is necessary to find out in advance how much money you need to spend on the maintenance of pregnancy and childbirth. Find out what prices in health care facilities in your area. Plan your expenses in advance. Also it is necessary to know how much will cost additional services in the event of any complications.

 17 things to do before conception - Preparation

12. Consider your psychological state

Women suffering from depression Depression  Depression
 Often face difficulties in conceiving. Women who are prone to depression (depression or met a family history) should be examined by mental health before pregnancy.

If you notice symptoms of depression, such as loss of interest and pleasure from what you previously happy, eating disorders, sleep, lack of energy, constant feeling of hopelessness and meaninglessness of life, you should see a specialist for consultation. Perhaps as a result of the doctor can recommend treatment, such as cognitive behavioral therapy and antidepressants. In the latter case, you should be sure to choose the tools that are safe during pregnancy. Also helps with depression stress management techniques such as yoga or meditation.

 17 things to do before conception - Preparation

13. Beware of infections

If you are ready to conceive Conception - as the emerging life  Conception - as the emerging life
 It is very important not to get sick of infectious diseases, especially those that can damage the unborn child.

For example, do not eat unpasteurized dairy products, raw or slaboobrabotannye meat and fish dishes - they may contain harmful bacteria that causes listeriosis, which can lead to miscarriage. In unpasteurized juices, and other products may contain bacteria such as salmonella or E. coli.

Wash your hands when cooking. Keep the temperature in the refrigerator for 2 to 4 degrees, and in the freezer - below -18, the products do not spoil.

Always wear gloves when working in the garden and the garden, as well as clean up after the animals (or ask other family members to do so) to avoid toxoplasmosis (which also can be harmful to the child's development).

Finally, make a flu shot as soon as the vaccine of the new season. Influenza during pregnancy can lead to serious complications, such as pneumonia or premature birth Premature birth - Recognize the signals of the body in time  Premature birth - Recognize the signals of the body in time

 17 things to do before conception - Preparation

14. Avoid hazardous substances

Of course, you can not get rid of anything that might be dangerous. But some measures worth taking. For example, if you are regularly exposed to harmful chemicals or radiation, it is necessary to change this preconception.

Also note that some cleaners, pesticides, solvents can be harmful to an unborn baby. Discuss with your doctor whether there is in your everyday life is something of hazardous substances, and what changes are needed to reduce the risks.

Read more The final decision

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