• 17 things to do before conception
  • Preparation
  • The final decision

15. Think about your decision

The child - a decision that changes your life. Before trying to conceive, consider whether you are ready for the responsibility. Here are some questions that should think about:

  • You have thought through how you will combine child care and work?
  • Are you ready for the fact that your child may be born with any illnesses or disabilities?
  • Your (male) partner is ready to become a father?
  • If you have a partner with different views on religion, you have already discussed how it can affect the children?

 17 things to do before conception - final decision

16. Determine when you ovulate

 things before conception final decision
 Some women simply cease to be protected and trust case. Others use a more precise approach - is calculated when they period favorable for conception.

You can calculate the approximate day of ovulation, relying only on the length of the cycle. But if you want a more precise measurement - measure the basal temperature and watch for changes in cervical mucus. If you observe these symptoms for several months, you will be able to determine exactly which day of the cycle you have to ovulation.

There are also ready-made kits for determining ovulation urine or saliva, they are sold in pharmacies.

 17 things to do before conception - final decision

17. Stop protected

Some perform this advice will be very simple - you just have to stop using condoms. But hormonal contraception needs more planning.

If you are taking birth control pills Birth control pills - how effective are they?  Birth control pills - how effective are they?
 You should complete the current package to avoid bleeding. The stabilization of the menstrual cycle may take several months, but most women are able to conceive Conception - as the emerging life  Conception - as the emerging life
   a month after the lifting of the tablets, and some - almost immediately. The same applies to patches and rings.

Sometimes doctors recommend barrier methods (eg, condoms) until you have established a regular cycle after the abolition of pills, patches or rings. If you wait for regular menses, it will be easier to calculate the time of ovulation. By the way, if you do not have the habit to celebrate the first day of menstruation, start doing it now.

If you become pregnant before the cycle time to recover, do not worry. Set the date of conception helps ultrasound examination.

If you were protected by a "Depo-Provera", the restoration of ovulation may take about a year, even if the regularity of menses was restored earlier.

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