 There is currently a boom in adoptions among the world stars. Madonna, Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, Hugh Jackman, Sharon Stone - they are all adoptive parents. However, mere mortals, are not able to contain the whole staff of nurses, lawyers, psychologists, family, adoption - a process very difficult.

 Adoption: other people's children do not happen

The legal aspect

Adoption - just one of the forms of children in the family. And it differs from custody, foster family, foster care and mentoring are huge. From a legal point of view of adoption - is the adoption of a child to an existing family rights of its members having equal rights with other rights and duties, while subject to change his name and surname. In addition, the law guarantees the preservation of the confidentiality of adoption.

Adoptive parents can not be persons with disability, confirmed by the courts; deprived of parental rights; no permanent place of residence; unable to perform parental duties for health reasons; no fixed income; living in areas that do not meet health standards, and so on - the requirements for the law makes many adoptive parents.

In turn, not every child in the orphanage, can be adopted. In this case it is either orphans or for children whose biological mother and father deprived of parental rights - and in the second case requires the consent of natural parents. The decision about the possibility of adoption, the court will only accept candidates after collecting necessary documents and providing formalized in a legal procedure for the conclusion of the guardianship authorities.

The procedure for registration of all securities - is complicated, quite long and quite difficult, especially if the biological parents are alive baby. For example, a lack of understanding on their part had to face even Madonna, who adopted a baby from Malawi, abandoned by their parents. Over time, his father, once officially signed a waiver of his son, suddenly decided to bring him back home.

Despite all the difficulties, it is considered to adopt the preferred form of the family. Only in this case, the child there are real loving parents, for whom he is the legal mother, with all rights and duties.

 Adoption: other people's children do not happen

The psychological aspect

However, no less complicated psychology of adoption Adoption of a child: a difficult decision  Adoption of a child: a difficult decision
 , The ability to take the baby as her own, learn to relate to him as a mother and endure misunderstanding and negative, which often arises from the environment. And with all this - to help adapt to avoid the formation of a complex and self-doubt.

Psychologists have identified a number of major problems that often arise in connection with the adoption of:

  • Failure to understand the real reasons for this decision. Most adoptive parents - is either infertile couples or families who once lost their child. In this and in another case, the adoption may be needed as a certain "replacement therapy" - as compensation for what the family is deprived. Therefore, inappropriate behavior, way of thinking, behavior and desires of baby ideal image created by mom and dad can often have very unfortunate consequences (bullying on the "naughty" adopted children - are not uncommon).
  • The truth about adoption - is it worth it to tell? Psychologists believe that it is worth. Life does not start at the time of adoption, and every person has a right to its own history, even if divulge her parents really do not want. In addition, we know many cases when the "well-wishers" in the face of a neighbor or friend can "open the eyes" - in this case, the baby will feel not only abandoned, but also cheated. The main thing - do it gently and tactfully, not in a fit of rage ("Why did we adopted you"), and with love and delicacy.
  • Hostility on the part of the child - a situation not uncommon, especially in the transition to adulthood Transitional age  Transitional age
 . Fantasy son or daughter in this regard may be different - that he bought, robbed, and so on. In addition, the adoptive parents transferred the anger and resentment in native mum and dad, drop the kid once. Another reason - lack of confidence and foster parents, checked their love to the test.

Difficulties in adopting a lot. Therefore, it is important to consider several times its own decision, weigh all the pros and cons, make sure that the family is able to cope with the problems that will inevitably arise. Because to be thrown twice - a blow from which the child's mind can hardly cope.

Darya Tsvetkova

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