diuretic herbs
 The healing power of herbs have long been helping to solve a variety of human health problems. With these or other properties, herbs can be used for the treatment of diseases and as a preventive measure. Diuretic herbs called diuretics, stimulate the excretion of excess fluid from the cells, urine from the body and help to cope with the swelling. The most effective use ready-made charges of diuretic herbs, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. The instructions to the diuretic fees written dosage and frequency of use of these concoctions of herbs.

 Diuretic herbs: a force of nature guard health

Action diuretic herbs

Diuretic herbs used for removing excess fluid from the body, but also as a disinfectant in the presence of inflammatory diseases of the bladder and urinary tract, urolithiasis. Many herbs have diuretic is not only a diuretic effect, but also disinfect the urinary tract by pathogenic bacterial flora. Being a good anti-inflammatory, diuretic herbs cropped inflammation and purify the urinary tract from the products of inflammation.

 Diuretic herbs: a force of nature guard health

Indications for use of diuretic herbs

Diuretic herbs used for the normalization of the excretory system, edema renal and cardiovascular origin, urolithiasis, cystitis, urethritis, pielitah and nephrosis. Diuretics can be assigned to duties in the complex treatment of chronic diseases of the bladder and kidneys. Diuretic herb improves metabolic processes in the kidney and normalize urine acidity level, however, some of these herbs may be assigned for its acidification or alkalinization, depending on the characteristics of the formed stones.

 Diuretic herbs: a force of nature guard health

Contraindications to the use of diuretic herbs

Use any herbs, including diuretics, it is possible only after consultation with the doctor-phytotherapeutist. Self-appointed diuretic herbs may cause undesirable side effects, because in addition to the provision on the human diuretic effect, herbs have a whole range of other properties. For example, contraindications to the use of diuretic herbs are hyperacidity, gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, as many herbs cause amplification of gastric secretion.

It is also a contraindication for the use of certain diuretic herbs is an acute inflammation of the kidneys, because it takes place irritation of the tissues of the kidneys. During pregnancy taking any herbs is possible only after consultation with your doctor. Pick their own diuretic herbs to eliminate edema during pregnancy is strictly forbidden, as herbs can have an abortifacient effect.

 Diuretic herbs: a force of nature guard health

Effective diuretic herbs

A diuretic effect has cornflower blue, the other names which Voloshka, sinetsvetka, blavat. From the colors of this biennial herb infusion is prepared, which is used for edema renal and cardiac origin. Cornflower blue is part of many diuretics fees, which are used in traditional medicine to treat various diseases of the urogenital area.

Another effective diuretic herb - red bilberry. Leaves cranberries ordinary used for the preparation of infusions, decoctions, vitamin teas. A decoction of the leaves of bilberry helps in diseases of the urinary bladder. Also, infusions and decoctions of the leaves of bilberry is used as a disinfectant in diseases of the urinary tract.

Horsetail has long been known for its diuretic properties. To prepare concoctions using medicinal herb horsetail. Infusions and liquid extract is used as a diuretic for diseases that are accompanied by stagnation and accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues, such as heart disease Heart disease - symptoms of heart disease  Heart disease - symptoms of heart disease
 . Traditional medicine uses horsetail for making drug charges, which are used in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, bladder and liver.

Natalia Biatova

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