• Everything you wanted to know about pregnancy and conception
  • Changes in libido. Third Trimester
  • Strange addiction
  • The increase in uterine
  • Probing baby

 All women want to be informed and to know all about the early symptoms of pregnancy. Of course, it is possible for someone to ask about this, it is possible to experience and to remain silent, but the best - read this article. The more of the following symptoms could discover a woman, the more likely that she is pregnant.

 Everything you wanted to know about pregnancy and conception


Nothing scares a woman as a vain expectation of the next month, unless it is not trying to get pregnant How to Get Pregnant: Recommendations to help  How to Get Pregnant: Recommendations to help
 . "Am I pregnant? "- This is the first question that arises from any female representatives when there is a delay. But, whether the pregnancy the only reason that menstruation did not come on time?

That may cause a delay but pregnancy

  • Stress
  • Disease
  • Changing schedule
  • Changes in medication
  • Weight gain
  • Underweight
  • Premenopausal
  • Menopause

And finally! Delay can occur when a woman has become pregnant! Normal pregnancy test will help determine whether the rights of women in their guesses. Tests on urine and blood reveal hormone HCG.

 Everything you wanted to know about pregnancy and conception

Atypical or abnormal cycle

Atypical cycle - a menstrual cycle that is different from the usual, normal cycle. This means that menstruation may last longer or less or that it starts earlier or later than usual. Discharges during menstruation can also vary in intensity. All these violations may indicate that a woman is pregnant.

 Everything you wanted to know about pregnancy and conception

I feel that she was pregnant

Many women feel uterine cramping in early pregnancy.

The most typical reason that cramps occur - is the growth of the uterus. These pain - quite normal and are present in almost every healthy pregnancy. A woman may experience a feeling of "fullness" or "gravity" in the region of the uterus. It is not surprising that in the early stages of pregnancy, many women describe these cramps as if just about to begin menstruating.

It should immediately consult a doctor if cramps accompany:

  • stains or discharge (possibly - implantation bleeding);
  • pain on one side (an ectopic pregnancy or cyst);
  • All increases and the pain is too strong;
  • not passing pain.

 Everything you wanted to know about pregnancy and conception

Nausea and vomiting

 morning sickness
 Morning sickness is considered the first sign of pregnancy The first signs of pregnancy: time for change  The first signs of pregnancy: time for change
 Experiencing many women.

  • Sick only in the morning?

Vomiting may be in the process of a day or night, but for some women it is worse in the morning, probably because the stomach is empty.

  • What should I do to get rid of nausea?

Some women feel sick and pulls vomiting, while others may be just a little muddy. Both - not palatable. Some women say that after they vomit, it becomes easier to other - no. Every pregnant woman should designate for itself that bring her relief. Maybe it's eating or sucking candies, or, conversely, the rejection of some products.

  • How can I get rid of the early symptoms?

There are many things that can help you work around this haunting early symptom of pregnancy:

  • Avoid a heavy meal (too oily or flavored);
  • Take frequent, small snacks throughout the day to stabilize blood sugar levels;
  • Try to relieve nausea by a sucking candy, such as lemon;

You can take some drugs that prescribe physician, but try not to use drugs, try to treat the nausea, which does not require a prescription or a doctor's instructions.

  • Dangerous if morning sickness?

Morning sickness can lead to dehydration if a woman can not eat, drink and start losing weight because of constant vomiting. Such a reaction is called hyperemesis pregnancy (excessive vomiting).

 Everything you wanted to know about pregnancy and conception

Changes in libido

Is sex during pregnancy?

 Everything you wanted to know about pregnancy and conception

First Trimester

Emotional changes

You may feel an irresistible desire, because now not need to think about contraception.

A woman may experience some internal conflict related to sex, as she is now preparing to become a mother.

Some women are too often begin to think about sex, they are visited by extraordinary imagination.

Physical Changes

The breasts become more sensitive, which can deliver pleasure and pain. Vomiting and fatigue can undermine sexual desire.

At the risk of miscarriage Miscarriage - is more common than you think  Miscarriage - is more common than you think
   should reduce sexual intercourse and orgasm.

It may seem that orgasm will never come, and it causes a feeling of tightness of the vagina and the clitoris.

 Everything you wanted to know about pregnancy and conception

Second Trimester

Emotional changes

Many women feel more sexual, especially when the nausea passes, which was present in the first trimester.

Future fathers are beginning to fear that sex can hurt the baby or the child knows what is going on, especially when the child starts to move.

Some are starting to be jealous dad, so that the woman with the child rallied.

Physical Changes

In the vagina is more lubrication, it and the clitoris becomes more swollen. Because of this, many women may experience multiorgazm.

Read more Changes in libido. Third Trimester

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