honeymoon experience solving problems
 Each couple has its own legal honeymoon. This is one to two weeks or even more, which take place in an atmosphere of overwhelming bliss when all problems seem to be just fine and troubles are solved as if by a magic wand. The concentration of happiness is that problems sometimes do not appear or are ignored because they do not want to waste your time. This priceless experience is a good idea to apply even when the honeymoon is over and it was time everyday when unpleasant moments piling up along with irritation, which has no outlet.

 Experience honeymoon as a solution to problems

Avoid financial disputes

During the honeymoon, any dispute about money - it is usually rare. The couple are still learning to live together and prefer to avoid the topic. When is the family life, the responsibility is growing, money problems are solved together, but they have to proceed without controversy, recriminations and a friendly atmosphere as it should be for adults loving people.

 Experience honeymoon as a solution to problems

Learn to forgive

Immediately after the wedding, it seems that the second half of the ideal and consists only of advantages because the shortcomings did not pay much attention, but easily forgiven minor troubles. Do not forget about useful practice forgiveness, which must be present, and then, when it began a full family life.

 Experience honeymoon as a solution to problems

Arrange weekly visits

Family psychologists insist on the importance of weekly meetings between the spouses, as it was in the beginning of the relationship. Such romantic encounters outside the home or in the walls, but with an appropriate entourage added emotional relationships and strengthen them.

 Experience honeymoon as a solution to problems

Plan a weekly discussion of current issues

Half an hour or an hour a week should be allocated to the pair was able to discuss current affairs. Maybe we can talk about the repair, the loan, the financial situation - all this requires constant discussions together, there will be no accumulation of problems and disunity between spouses opinions on this or that occasion.

 Experience honeymoon as a solution to problems

Do not ignore the importance of intimate relationships

The honeymoon couple usually has a harmonious sexual relationships, often indulging in this occupation and with pleasure. Over time, sex and often losing in quality and quantity of time that is given to him. Do not forget that sex life is very important as a determinant of a conscientious life in general.

 Experience honeymoon as a solution to problems

Have common interests

Often, after the wedding, the couple having fun together doing sports, go to the movies, theater, moving away gradually with time. And for a couple of years of very important time together, which strengthens the relationship and allows more secure them.

 Experience honeymoon as a solution to problems

Watch for a

Souped wives like to look after themselves. They care for the skin and body, go to the solarium, make the hair removal Hair removal  Hair removal
 Often dress up to enjoy her husband. But over the years the need for this if ignored, and the woman tends to forget about the perfect form.

Be sure to keep in mind the tastes of your favorite men: wear a dress that he loves you, use the scent from which it is crazy. Relationship immediately revived and began to play with new colors, and you will once again feel like at sweet honeymoon.

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