• First solid foods: cook or buy?
  • Introduction

 the introduction of the first foods

The introduction of the first foods

The kid has grown so much that a pediatrician allowed to give the first solid foods. And then to his mother the question arises: what to choose? Trusting baby food puree and buy in a jar, or cook it from my grandmother's garden with apples?

Complementary feeding in the first year of life - it is a responsible and difficult. Mom should have encyclopedic knowledge of healthy and delicious food. The task is complicated by the fact that the first months of feeding the number is very small, and need a little man in vitamins and minerals while higher than that of an adult (in terms of body weight). Therefore, the first complementary foods must meet the following rules:

  • balance (child should receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals)
  • calorie (had a balance - as required, and so need to "spend." Otherwise there will be problems with insufficient or, conversely, excess body weight)
  • security (baby foods must not contain dyes, preservatives, GMOs and other dangerous substances for the child. It is also important to take into account the individual characteristics of health crumbs - if necessary, to give preference to dietary, low-allergenic food or products that do not contain gluten.

It would seem, nothing complicated. But in fact, a lot of questions. Where can I buy the products? How to cook that was both useful and tasty? What you can and can not give the crumbs?


Hidden threat

It is best to go to a subsistence economy. Having grown apple, pear yourself - you can be sure that no chemicals are not sprayed fruits, nothing harmful to the soil was added. Of these fruits and vegetables will turn out delicious homemade purees for crumbs.

Buy products on the market is dangerous, because check their quality is almost impossible to not know how to grow vegetables, than to feed the animals, the conditions in which they were held? Quality products for industrial baby food is checked repeatedly. Responsibility manufacturers, such as Heinz, strictly control the affiliate farms: check the soil laboratory samples taken throughout the growing period. Special control is set for meat products. By the way, the Federal Service decided that for the production of baby food you can not use frozen meat. Therefore, buying food for the quality of the finished products can not worry - it is controlled by international norms and standards.


Take time to love

In the early months of complementary feeding it requires a bit and it is given only once a day, but then to cook fresh food will go more and more time, and the young mother a number of new problems and concerns that the time for culinary delights is not always enough. We must not forget that kid in a good mood Good mood: Secrets positive  Good mood: Secrets positive
   mom - the most important thing, then he feels calm and confident. If the kitchen as "out of place" - it is better not to suffer, now you can buy in the store is all you need. Better to spend the time to communicate with the crumbs - from such a decision everyone will be happy.

The kid grows and strengthens, a smoothie is not enough. Something simple can be prepared independently. But in order to diversify the menu of the child should still look to the store today, manufacturers produce finished second courses for children: pilaf, makaroshki nautically, stews and more. There are products such as baby a cookie, which is difficult to prepare itself - that it is safe for the baby, cookies must dissolve quickly in the mouth. After much experimentation, you can certainly learn to do everything itself, but a reasonable approach to the issue is to find a balance between home and finished food.


Health in the spoon

Now the main task is not only delicious to feed the baby, but also to provide his body with all necessary materials .  Many foods (vegetables and meat) when heated lose some useful vitamins .  Besides, in stews only those substances which are contained in natural vegetable .  Adults make up for the lack of vitamins from other foods - after a day you can eat fish, meat, vegetables and fruit .  Baby first time eating quite a bit, and to prevent allergies, it is necessary to give a product a few days .  Therefore it is necessary to consult the child's pediatrician -uznavat vitamin complexes which can be given to a child .  In the finished food, this problem is partly solved .  Manufacturers added to the production of vitamin-mineral complex, which takes into account the needs of the growing organism .  If a baby has problems with digestion - is to choose foods with added prebiotics, they contribute to the normalization of the bowel .  It should definitely be considered as a child receives vitamins per day .  This process should be as familiar as the calorie count of food .  The overabundance of vitamins sometimes dangerous shortage .


It is worth vigilance

At what age to enter the juices? What is the concentration? When it is possible to introduce vegetable puree? A food with pieces? For example, too much juice concentrate - excessive load on the kidneys of the baby. Even store bought juice is often recommended to breed with boiled water 1: 2. Homemade juice is diluted even further - this is the case when it is better to overdo it. Even if the minimum doubt, it is necessary to question the experts!

On the final infant formula Baby food - what to feed the baby?  Baby food - what to feed the baby?
   usually say at what age children can give the product. But consultation with the pediatrician will never be superfluous. Introducing new products is possible only when the crumb is completely healthy and is in a familiar environment (either moving or traveling is stressful and with a new lure The lure: a spoon first adult food  The lure: a spoon first adult food
   better not to hurry).

Alexander Sidorov

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