• Home remedies for vitiligo - an appeal to nature
  • Seeds of radish vinegar, coconut oil

 home remedies for vitiligo
 Herbs have long been used effectively to treat a variety of diseases. Modern scientific medicine has evolved into the use of funds for the treatment of natural and herbal medicines to a wide range of modern facilities. However, many current drugs are based on natural ingredients. Natural remedies, the so-called natural ingredients are widely used in folk medicine, so home remedies for vitiligo What is Vitiligo: What are the white spots  What is Vitiligo: What are the white spots
   and it can be used in treatment together with classical tablets.

For the treatment of various diseases including vitiligo, the following means:


Turmeric and mustard oil

Turmeric - one of the important medicinal ingredients in traditional Indian medicine. It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. This is a very delicate immune stimulant. Also often used for treating wounds to prevent from bacterial infections. Mustard oil is also very useful for home treatment of many diseases. The daily body massage with mustard oil provides strong immunity.


  • Five teaspoons of turmeric powder mixed with a glass of mustard oil;
  • Apply the white skin twice a day;
  • Continue treatment on a regular basis for one year.

The combination of turmeric and mustard oil has a good effect on the white patches of vitiligo. They will begin to diminish and eventually disappear. This is a very safe natural remedy.


Basil leaves and lime juice

Basil leaves - a very common ingredient in the kitchen. They have anti-viral properties and antivozrastnymie. Basil can help with stress and in the treatment of vitiligo. Extract of basil leaves combined with lime juice stimulates the production of melanin in the skin.


  • Mix a few drops of extract of basil leaves and lime juice;
  • Apply the white skin. Leave on time;
  • Repeat three or four times per day. The effect is visible in five or six months.

This mixture of basil and lime juice is very effective and very safe. Furthermore, the mixture does not cause undesirable effects.


Copper water

It proved that vitiligo can be treated with drinking water which is stored in a copper pan. The water should be left in a copper bowl overnight and drink it in the morning. This is an extremely cost-effective home remedy will show its magic effect about six months.

It is believed that the copper water stimulates melanocytes for melanin production Which foods contain melanin - skin care  Which foods contain melanin - skin care


The seeds of tamarind psoralen

Psoralen, psoralen contained in seeds is the most effective treatment for vitiligo. It is used both as a home remedy, as well as means for PUVA therapy. Its use along with tamarind (tamarind) is very effective for the treatment of vitiligo.

Psoralen should abstain used with caution, because it is a very powerful tool.


  • Soak the seeds of tamarind and psoralen in water for four days;
  • Dry and promolot;
  • Apply daily in the white areas of the skin during the month;
  • The dramatic improvement is usually seen in a month, but it is necessary to continue treatment for fixing the result.


Psoraleya and ginger juice

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties. Its use in the process of cooking to prevent blood clotting during circulation. It also stimulates circulation and supports the digestive system. His use of a psoralen - a good home remedy for vitiligo.


  • Soak the seeds in ginger juice psoralen for three days;
  • Dry them in the shade and grind into a fine powder;
  • Mix one gram of powder psoralen with a glass of fresh milk;
  • Drink once a day for two months.
  • Regular use will return the natural color of white skin patches.
Read more Seeds of radish vinegar, coconut oil

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