How does the ovulation test
 Women now conscious approach to the forthcoming pregnancy, plan it, pass the necessary examination and pass tests. All of this is held to a healthy baby. But a survey completed, chronic adjusted, was to conceive a child. And sometimes the problems begin, fertilization does not occur, but the difficulty lies in determining the most favorable days for conception Conception - as the emerging life  Conception - as the emerging life
 . Come to the aid ovulation test, because it is the way they work, you can calculate the fertile days. Furthermore, tests and ovulation help those women who, on the contrary, do not wish to become pregnant How to Get Pregnant: Recommendations to help  How to Get Pregnant: Recommendations to help
   anytime soon.

 How does the ovulation test and how it is effective


Ovulation - this is the time period of the menstrual cycle, during which the dominant follicle to break him out of a mature oocyte ready for fertilization. This process depends on the level of luteinizing hormone, produced by the pituitary gland. Out egg from the ovary occurs at the peak of luteinizing hubbub.

 How does the ovulation test and how it is effective

The essence of the Ovulation Test

The essence of the ovulation test is to determine the maximum amount of LH in the urine. This hormone is always contained in the body in small amounts. The peak of luteinizing hormone to the period of 24-36 hours before the release of an egg from the ovary ie ovulation. Oocyte maturation lasts about two weeks and ovulation occurs around the middle of the menstrual cycle. When using the ovulation test should take into account that the egg from the ovary after the lives of all day, whereas sperm live longer, about two to three days. That is, for successful fertilization sexual intercourse should be no later than the day after a positive ovulation test.

 How does the ovulation test and how it is effective

When to start testing?

The first step is to determine the length of the menstrual cycle .  The length of the menstrual cycle - the period from the first day of menstruation to the first day of the next menstruation .  You need to start testing in seventeen days before the next menstrual period (in the case of a regular cycle) .  This is because the corpus luteum phase lasts about twelve - sixteen days .  For example, if the menstrual cycle is thirty days, testing should begin with the thirteenth day .  If the length of the menstrual cycle varies every month, you must choose the shortest in the last six months and in the counting of the day from which to start testing, focus on it .  If the cycles are irregular, there are more than a month of delay, the use of ovulation test is useless .  In this case, the need for further control of follicular maturation and ovulation (ultrasound monitoring and measurement of basal body temperature) .

 How does the ovulation test and how it is effective

Types of tests for ovulation

There are many ovulation tests that are based on the determination of luteinizing hormone in urine, blood, saliva or determining ovulation instrumental methods. The most common are tests whose job is to test the urine. Such tests are of two kinds: conventional inkjet and strip bars. Jet test must be replaced by a stream of urine for five seconds, the strip-strip should be deleted in a container of urine for thirty seconds.

 How does the ovulation test and how it is effective

How to test for ovulation

Testing can be conducted at any time of the day, but it is advisable to stick to one and the same time. It is not recommended to test a first morning urine (night urine can accumulate luteinizing hormone in a larger amount than it is present in the body and in fact the result is false).

Before the test ovulation Ovulation Test: each needs  Ovulation Test: each needs
   to refrain from urinating in four hours and restrict fluid intake (to avoid dilution of urine). When using the jet test shoot with a protective cap and holding the absorbent tip of the test down, put it in five seconds under a stream of urine. As an additional option - to lower the test in a bowl with urine for twenty seconds. Upon contact with the urine test should be to re-use cap. The results were evaluated in three minutes.

 How does the ovulation test and how it is effective

Evaluation of results

In the test you want to compare the result line (the arrow at the left) with the control line (to the right). If the test is carried out correctly, the control line is always displayed. If the line is paler than the control result, it indicates that the release of luteinizing hormone has not yet occurred. If the line is the result of the same color as or darker than the control, then after 24-36 hours of ovulation occurs.

Anna Sozinova

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