• How to determine the sex of the child: myths and facts
  • Scientific methods

 determine the sex of the child scientific methods

How to determine the sex of the child: the scientific method

Many couples reshivshiesya replenish part of his family, or rather, to have a first or another child, faced with the question: "How do we determine the sex of the baby? "Basically, the future fathers dreaming about a boy (son in every dad sees the continuation of itself a kind), and the expectant mother wants her daughter - smart, beautiful, assistant, and later - a girlfriend. And here starts throwing the parents in finding methods for determining the sex of a child before conception and after. Anything goes: people's signs, various divination Divination: guess - guessing?  Divination: guess - guessing?
 , Pseudo-scientific theories and stuff ...

It is known that the sex of a child is determined at conception, and is completely dependent on men, particularly, on whether the sperm with an X or a Y chromosome fertilizes the egg. It is scientifically proved that sperm with the Y chromosome have greater mobility, ease, but they are smaller and less tenacious. The sperm with the X chromosome viable and can survive under less favorable conditions (for example, in the acidic environment of the vagina). This theory is based on the effect of the time of conception to the floor unborn child.


The method of determining the sex of the child at the time of conception

Based on the above, it is clear to get pregnant How to Get Pregnant: Recommendations to help  How to Get Pregnant: Recommendations to help
   boy, you need to engage in sex on the day of ovulation, in this case, the sperm with Y chromosome better chance "to reach" the egg. For the conception of the fetus female sexual acts must be carried out in two or three days before ovulation, as the environment of the vagina at this time more acidic (during ovulation alkaline), respectively, will survive and then fertilize the egg and the sperm with the X chromosome. To increase the likelihood of conceiving a boy is useful to small abstinence, about four to seven days (the concentration of sperm with Y chromosome in the sperm increase). Equally important is the female orgasm during conception. If the expectant mother an orgasm, vaginal environment becomes alkaline, which is favorable for conceiving a boy.


Determination of sex of the baby by ultrasound

This method is available, is simple and allows you to determine the sex of the baby with fifteen weeks of pregnancy, with a guarantee of 80-90%. The accuracy of determining the sex of the fetus depends on the skills of the doctor devices (monitor screen resolution) and the position of the baby in the womb.

Errors in sex determination occur, for example, if the boy is back to the screen, hiding their genitals, or a girl between the legs of the loop are the umbilical cord (they take over the scrotum). The longer the pregnancy, the better the sex of the child.


Determination of sex of the child by the amniotic waters

Amniocentesis - a puncture membranes through the abdominal wall or through the cervical canal for the purpose of sampling the amniotic fluid for analysis. Use this method for the detection of congenital malformations of the fetus in cases of dispute with the US (to determine the need for further carrying a pregnancy). Amniocentesis can accurately determine the sex of the fetus, but this does not apply for the sole purpose, which is associated with the risk of complications.


DNA test to determine the sex of the child

DNA test makes it possible to know the sex of the child after the seventh week of pregnancy. Do not fraught with any danger (just a drop of blood from a finger woman), but carried out in laboratories and therefore expensive. It makes sense to spend money on this method if you are at high risk of having a child with a genetic disease associated with a Y-chromosome. For example, hemophilia - born girls will be carriers of a gene of the patient, and boys inherit the disease.


Hormonal method of determining the sex of the child

The essence of this method consists in isolating and counting the number of hormones in the blood of mother and fetus sex determination from the second week of pregnancy. In comparison with the DNA test is easier and less expensive, but have not yet received a distribution in Russia.


Medical statistics (without scientific justification)

  • Children of the same age usually of the same sex, if the interval between the birth of more than three years, probably having a baby of the opposite sex.
  • The chances of conceiving a boy are reduced with each subsequent birth.
  • Boys are born rarely have single mothers (compared with married).
  • The probability of having a boy less than the older woman.
  • Bald men have the ability to conceive a boy and a half times more.
  • Girls are born more often if the pregnancy occurred immediately after the abortion.

Although all the methods (false or research-based) determining sex of the child, they do not cheat with conception Conception - as the emerging life  Conception - as the emerging life
   baby, nature has an equal ratio of men of the future. Therefore, in the light of day there are about 50% of boys and 50% girls. And does it matter who is born? If only there was a healthy, intelligent, long-awaited and beloved baby.

Anna Sozinova

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