• How to Get Pregnant - folk remedies, as a method of
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 how to get pregnant folk remedies
 Infertility has always stood. Especially in the present time, the percentage of women and men who are unable to conceive a child increased, due to the impaired environment, poor diet and lifestyle, alcohol abuse and smoking. Many women think about how to get pregnant and folk remedies - this is one of their hopes. Not to say that they are quite effective, but in some cases helps. Why would a woman who is desperate to have a child in this case is not to resort to traditional medicine, if you have tried all other drugs, and after many doctors?

Infertility - a lack of ability to conceive a child, provided regular sexual life, after one year. There are male and female infertility. Female infertility is caused by a hormonal disturbances, or pelvic inflammatory disease or adhesions in the pelvis. Female Infertility is divided into primary and secondary. On primary infertility say when nonexistent pregnancy, if the secondary after successful childbirth or abortions a woman loses the ability fertile.

 How to Get Pregnant - folk remedies, as a method of

Traditional methods for treating infertility

Traditional medicine helps to cope with a variety of diseases, including infertility. Traditional methods used since ancient times, they are less known and many unknown. By folk remedies, how to get pregnant, are:

  • Alder

The root of the alder has a very strong anti-inflammatory effect, so better to use alder with infertility caused by inflammation. The root of alder used for douching, and for the preparation of solutions for ingestion.

  • Douching infusion of alder root

To prepare necessary to grind into a powder of dry root of alder (you can do this with a coffee grinder). Three tablespoons of the powder should pour boiling water in a thermos (one liter) and infuse for about ten hours. After done the resulting broth is necessary to strain through three layers of gauze, and by means of douche (preferably at bedtime). The course of treatment lasts 21 days, followed by a week to make a break and take a course in a new one.

To enhance the effect of alder root irrigation is desirable to combine with the use of infusion inside. To prepare to be one teaspoon pour a glass of boiling water, if desired, you can add honey The benefits of honey: tasty recovery  The benefits of honey: tasty recovery
   (one or two teaspoons). Infusion take a sip in the morning and in the evening (the day consumed one glass of infusion).

  • A decoction of dill and parsley

Dill and parsley, are also known to have anti-inflammatory properties. Decoction is used in infertility adhesions origin and diseases of internal genital organs of women. To prepare the broth should mix one tablespoon of chopped parsley and dill (you can take and dried herbs, but fresh is preferred) and pour them a liter of boiling water. The resulting mixture should be put on a small fire and simmer for fifteen minutes. Then strain the broth, cool and take it within two months. Drink tea made from fennel and parsley need a little during the day.

  • Grass knotweed

Even our great-grandmothers are widely used herbs knotweed, to quickly get pregnant How to Get Pregnant: Recommendations to help  How to Get Pregnant: Recommendations to help
 . To prepare the next four tablespoons chopped dry grass to fill one cup of boiling water. After this infusion capped (better to use a thermos) and allowed to stand for two hours. The resulting solution strain and take 100 grams twice a day. The course of treatment is three months. If the pregnancy earlier, grass knotweed treatment is stopped.

  • Salvia

Sage contains a large amount of phytoestrogens, thereby helping to solve the problem of infertility hormonal origin. To prepare a decoction of the herb sage Sage - useful properties do not count  Sage - useful properties do not count
   follows three tablespoons of chopped herbs pour half a liter of boiling water and put on a small fire. To bring the infusion to a boil and boil for another ten minutes. In the treatment of infertility on the day you need to take 300-500 grams broth (pre-strain the broth). Receive one dose be divided into three - five parts, and drinking during the day. The duration of treatment is one month.

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