how to determine ovulation
 To determine the time of ovulation is very important for every woman. This is also necessary in order to conceive a child, and for the prevention of unwanted pregnancies. That is why all women should know the phase of the menstrual cycle The phases of the menstrual cycle failures unacceptable  The phases of the menstrual cycle failures unacceptable
   and be able to determine the time of ovulation.

Ovulation is in the middle of the menstrual cycle - this time to mature egg from the ovary. But the exact date of ovulation is needed because the egg lives only one day and it was in those days the most possible its fertilization. Therefore, women who want to become pregnant How to Get Pregnant: Recommendations to help  How to Get Pregnant: Recommendations to help
 , Sexual contact is needed during those hours. But you can get pregnant after intercourse that occurred a few days before ovulation (usually 3 days), because the sperm and egg are living longer can wait for its release.

If ovulation is used to calculate the time of safe sex, then you should know that the time of absolute safety (absolute sterility) comes two days after ovulation (the second day - the correction for an error in the date of ovulation) and continues until the first day of the next menstruation.

Relative sterility - this is the first half of the menstrual cycle minus three days, as the egg is about to appear, and there is no guarantee the full safety of sex.

 How to identify ovulation: this is every woman should know

Ovulation Calendar

Obstetricians recommend to determine ovulation keep a special calendar, which is called - "Ovulation Calendar". Navigate on this calendar will be possible only after six months - a year after the start of reference. The calendar notes the date of the beginning of the menstrual cycle (first day of menstruation), the date of the end of the menstrual cycle (the first day of the subsequent period) and the date of ovulation.

Some women feel ovulation in the form of short-term pain in the abdomen, others it does not feel. In this case, you can navigate to the middle of the month, specifying the date of ovulation in other ways. For example, if the menstrual cycle is 28 days, ovulation occurs on the 14th - 15th day. After ovulation calendar is conducted in six months - a year analyzes. It is noted as a regular menstrual cycle occurs, it always in the same day of the menstrual cycle, ovulation, menstruation how long, and whether the same volume of blood is lost each time, painful menstruation.

The calendar can be a good tool for women with regular menstrual cycle when ovulation occurs in strictly certain days. If an irregular menstrual cycle, ovulation is better determined by other methods.

 How to identify ovulation: this is every woman should know

Method for measuring basal body temperature

For example, the method of measurement of basal body temperature can be used both independently and to conduct ovulation calendar Ovulation Calendar - to help women  Ovulation Calendar - to help women
 . Basal temperature is measured in the rectum daily for several days in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Measure it in the morning, after sleeping, which should continue for at least five hours before the woman got out of bed (to measure can not do anything and even talk) and recorded. Signs of Ovulation basal body temperature rise is not less than 0, 6 ° C. Increased temperature remains on the entire second half of the menstrual cycle. However, some women ovulation day temperatures on the contrary, reduced and increased on the next day.

All of these details can not be known for one month, the basal temperature is determined for at least three menstrual cycles.

At the time of ovulation in women appear mucous discharge, more abundant than usual - it is also one of the signs of ovulation. But the amount of discharge every woman is different, so minor changes may not be noticed. Another sign of ovulation is increased sexy woman during ovulation.

There is also a method of crystallization of saliva when under the influence of hormones in the saliva of female ovulation day crystallized glass in the form of a fern leaf, which can be seen under a microscope.

 How to identify ovulation: this is every woman should know

The tests for determining ovulation

Produced and special test strips for determining ovulation, they can be purchased at the pharmacy. Use the test strip is carried out defining a sharp increase in the pituitary luteinizing hormone in the urine for 1 - 2 days before ovulation.

But the most reliable and informative method of determining ovulation is ultrasound. At the same time observe the changes occurring in the follicle in which the egg matures. Appears before ovulation of follicles larger (not less than 18 mm) than the others, and it disappears after ovulation and in its place is seen recess where subsequently formed corpus luteum.

If the menstrual cycle is regular, the ultrasound examination is carried out within three days prior to ovulation and the day after ovulation. At irregular cycle study is conducted every three days, starting from the 10th day of the cycle. It is also possible to roughly calculate ovulation date follicle diameter, in which the maturing oocyte follicle as it grows at a rate of 2 mm per day.

The date of ovulation need to know every woman.

Galina Romanenko

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