seduce her own husband
 Lessons of seduction for "zhenatikov" which become boring and homemade soup, and "family debt" represent something very special. Seduce a man "from scratch", to awaken his interest, intrigue, fascinate - is one thing. It is quite another - "make" her husband, who seemed to have no surprise.

At first it was like a fairy tale. He takes you by the hand - on one hand the current passes, and on telephone wires during conversations - love. He writes sms - you flinch from the buzz of the phone and typing a reply, smiling tiny screen. It refers you to the hands of the bedroom - you feel a burning desire and then - warm beige happiness from the fact that it is a miracle to sleep next to ...

Then time passes and the "miracle" has not brought one of your languid whisper or a new blouse. He loves you, loves jointly created by the family hearth. You are - a happy couple, but you do not have enough fire. Sex somehow managed to become something so familiar and commonplace, what you really really want to re-fall in love with her husband and revitalize family life. Well ... Come on!

When you feel that the marital bed cools - it's time to arrange a little sexual revolution in a particular social unit. If you frankly abhorrent various sexual experiments - like joint viewing porn, a detailed study of the Kama Sutra, the introduction to the process of the various "toys" - press on psychology.

There are no two identical couples and exactly the same problems in the bedroom. Therefore, universal advice and can not be. Someone will approach erotic lingerie, call loved to work with a proposal to organize a small orgy or a known "bait": during dinner at the restaurant to inform the spouse in your ear that you forgot underwear. Other couples need "something hotter." Sometimes it makes sense to try a threesome. This will work if the thinking - and your husband - quite flexible. If in a triangle two - a good time, and the third in a corner of sharpening his ax jealousy Management of jealousy  Management of jealousy
   - Leave the venture, the problems it still will not solve.

One radical way to solve the problem can be even adultery. It does not call for infidelity, but a fun way to spice up the sex life. When we live a long time with a person, we become so close that we can not look at him with lust, and he does not look well for us. If there is another person who can see you in another woman, you are starting to evaluate different. Look at yourself through the eyes of others and myself. The changes are of interest.

If cheating does not cause a crushing blow to your conscience - try to have a lover Lover: the real situation  Lover: the real situation
 . You never know. The main thing - think of her husband's nerves, keep him home after all.

If cheating Treason: Fall or loyalty to yourself?  Treason: Fall or loyalty to yourself?
   or a threesome for you - disgusting, try at least to catch the mood of these situations. Expand social circle, even if you will be more near the men with whom you can flirt and where you can hone your skills seductress. Be sure your man will feel it. Maybe - jealous. Jealousy - the flip side of love, and - a passionate love. Here it is light.

It is also a good way - not complacent in marriage, putting on a dressing gown and curlers, and constantly changing. Change hairstyle, fashion, hobbies. When a man feels close to him - not one woman, but a carnival of images - it does not stay indifferent. Checked.

There are tricks such as the proposal to have sex in extreme conditions. Romantic dinners are as old as the world, but also work. You can still try to attract the attention of the spouse, becoming less accessible for him. Enable the "wife is not available on demand." Make him remember what - to achieve such treasures as you!

After all, who better than you know your own husband and can catch his mood, I understand which string to play to the fire between you just flared up.

Anastasia Krainer

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