Infant formula
 If a man has no legs, he uses a prosthesis, if there is no tooth - implant is implanted if no hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   - Wearing a wig. Have feet, teeth, hair - fine. Wearing a wig to use a prosthetic implant and chew - it helps people maintain a normal rhythm of life. Continuing the logical chain, it can be said that breastfeed her child - this is normal, but the use of a mixture - a gesture of despair, which allows to save a child from starving to death, no more. None of the mixture does not match the composition and by the action of human milk and it may not be replaced. You can only pick up the mixture, which will raise a child, causing minimal damage to his health.

 Infant formula

Why not give neither a mixture

No matter how balanced composition of the mixtures, they can not give the child some things.

First - a good immunity. If the child is attached to the breast immediately at birth, and continues on a regular basis, on-demand, without interruption to feed it, the risk of immune diseases, such as atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma, seasonal rhinitis is reduced to zero. When artificial feeding noted the late start of the immune system, which is accompanied by an increased incidence. An example of this is a surprise favorite of the middle generation health of the elderly. It's simple - when they were born, the mixture was put on stream, and the majority of mothers breastfed as opposed to future generations.

Secondly, it is breast milk allows the digestive tract to mature, children breastfed are much less likely to develop disorders of the endocrine glands, stomach, pancreas.

These two facts are well understood, but much science does not yet know. One thing is important: a mixture of breast milk and - not identical concepts.

 Infant formula

What are the mixture

For healthy children adapted mixture produced, that is close in composition to human milk for protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
   and minerals. Immunoglobulin and lysozyme is introduced into the mixture can not be any manufacturer.

These mixtures are different for children up to six months, from six months to one year and over the year, which must be indicated on the packaging. For example Frisolak1, Frisolak2, Frisolak3 (Holland), NAN1, NAN2, NAN3 (Switzerland), where the figures referred to as a sequence of time age using mixtures.

Specialized mixtures are used as drugs, despite the fact that they are sold in grocery stores with baby food Baby food - what to feed the baby?  Baby food - what to feed the baby?
   without any prescription. Assign them a doctor, as they can help the child when used correctly, but it can hurt as much at the wrong destination. The consequences of their admission not immediately develop in adolescence, when hormonal changes the body will start, and when the mixture of wine no one will remember.

The specialized blends are few groups.

  • Mixtures based on hydrolyzed proteins, which are used in children's tendency to allergies: Nutramigen (USA), Alfaro (Switzerland), Nutrilak GA (Russia) and others.
  • Mixtures of low-lactose or lack of it at all, are used in the lactase deficiency in a child: Nutrilon lactose-free (Netherlands), Enfamil Laktofri (USA), lactose-free Nutrilak (Russia).
  • Mixtures of thickeners to provide children with the syndrome of frequent regurgitation: Frisovom 1 (Netherlands), Enfamil AR (USA), Nutrilak AR (Russia), Semper lemolak (Switzerland).
  • Mixtures free of phenylalanine saving children with phenylketonuria.

Thus, infant formulas - an invention that actually helps grow many children in need of replacing breast milk, which takes place at:

  • no mother;
  • serious illness of the mother;
  • mother taking drugs that are harmful to the child;
  • primary agalactiae (occurs very rarely).

Otherwise replace breast-feeding infant formula is equivalent to (figuratively speaking) extract a healthy tooth, in order to insert in its place a beautiful and fashionable implant.

Svetlana Shimkovich

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