Marine rice
 Marine rice variety called Indian drinking fungus since resemblance is obvious: it is very reminiscent of tiny granules of icicles or snow-white grains of rice. On its medicinal properties, far superior to the properties of milk and kombucha, he walks a lot of legends, and this organism is already well established name live medicines. Indian is called only because it was brought to Russia from this country in the XIX century.

On the extraordinary opportunities of influence on the human body from the sea of ​​rice scientists openly spoke in the 30 years of the twentieth century. They found therein acetic acid bacteria and have concluded that it might be useful and nutritious. These bacteria were found to promote digestion and protect the body against various infectious diseases. To taste the infusion of sea rice resembles a slightly fizzy brew Russian kvass: ideal for summer  Russian kvass: ideal for summer
 . Marine rice is grown in the banks - as well as classic Kombucha Kombucha: the elixir of immortality  Kombucha: the elixir of immortality

 Marine rice: the most active medicine

On the basis of sweet

Growing rice sea is not associated with particular difficulties, although the uninitiated, this process can seem quite tedious .  To prepare the solution, which is to live and develop marine rice, it is desirable to take filtered water .  In addition, the required sugar and a little bit of any dried fruit raisins, figs, prunes, dried apricots, apples, etc. .  In a two-liter jar will be enough to seven tablespoons of Indian rice, two pinches of dried fruits and three to four tablespoons of sugar, previously without residue dissolved in boiled water .  Bank to cover fungus clean gauze to prevent the ingress of dust and to all sorts of small insects .  Bank with a solution put in a place where it is not exposed to direct sunlight .  In fact, a couple of days healing drink can already be considered ready, but by and large the rate of maturation depends on air temperature .  In the summer he insists faster than in winter .  It makes sense to sea fermenting rice in two or three banks to drink enough to all members of the household .  Used granules of sea rice in any case do not throw - they will be the basis for a new infusion, and it will reveal the best qualities of the mushroom is already more pronounced .

Drink infusion is recommended at least three times a day for about half an hour before a meal one glass. However, it is not forbidden to do so more frequently - for example, to drink it instead of water if it has a beneficial effect on health.

 Marine rice: the most active medicine

The main indications for use

In the first days of receiving infusions of sea rice keen on them should not be, because it can be shown a marked diuretic effect. It is advisable to confine small doses of infusion - for example, fifty milliliters infusion two or three times per day. A week later, the dosage will be receiving infusions without fear increased to one hundred milliliters of two-three times a day, and even after about a week - to one hundred fifty milliliters of each reception.

The infusion of Indian rice makes sense to use to restore the metabolism, strengthen the immune system, relieving symptoms of fatigue, restore and strengthen the nervous system, increasing efficiency, lowering blood sugar, lowering blood pressure, anti-insomnia, restore and enhance potency. In addition, it is quite effectively dissolves salts in the joints, removes sand and stones from the gall bladder and kidneys, rejuvenates the cells of the body, bringing it from the affected and dead, improves mood.

Sea Figure successfully replace antibiotics in inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract, clears mucous with a cold. It is known for its miraculous effect on the body with radiculitis, arthritis, rheumatism. Regular use of this drink helps to reduce blood sugar, helps with multiple sclerosis, endocrine disorders, diphtheria, flu.

Also marine enzyme comprises an enzyme called lipase, responsible for the breakdown of fats entering the human body. As a result, restored the normal metabolism of the body as a whole. Returned normal weight, normal pressure, the normal state of health, good quality sleep and excellent performance.

Svetlana Usankova

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