Salvation marriage
 Many couples complain that they feel the estrangement of a loved one. And even if they spend together, seemingly enough time, go to the movies, dinner for two, still it does not always save the situation, because to talk about anything - about politics, about the weather, children, friends, work, but only not about his feelings. Accumulated anger, resentment, and it seems that the situation is at a deadlock and does not have access.

Indeed it is, and the main problem in this case - to talk, to communicate, to share their emotions and experiences, both positive and negative. It is not always easy, because there is a moment of embarrassment, do not hesitate to be face to face with someone you love and pour it accumulated. However, there are the most painless way to do it that are available to each pair, if they want to achieve harmony, save your marriage happy or make it so.

For a productive talk heart to heart with his half enough to just two minutes a day. It is not even a normal conversation, and exercise, which requires strict adherence to all the rules, and only then it will be really effective. It is good at helping couples who feel that they began to drift apart. No need to bring the situation to the peak, and it is always better to act on the principle of "the sooner the better."

 Saving a marriage of two minutes per day


It is necessary to take a comfortable position sitting on the couch. The couple should sit so that one was back to another - he will talk about his worries. The goal is that he did not see the face of his partner. The other, the one who does not see the person is a student, but did not say a word. His goal - to embrace him.

Over two minutes of continued exercise: sitting back tells what previously remained silent - the experiences of the day, personal impressions and desires. His loved one listens to him, but he can not argue either, nor to support the word. Everything is subject to it - it is a hug with which he expresses his support, love and acceptance. After two minutes, the session should stop and give a voice to the other partner.

It is important not to take exercise as a prelude to intimacy - it is also better to find another time. The same process must be taken seriously - the listener is necessary to understand that not satisfied with his loved one and make certain conclusions. Discussion of the issues that came to light, it is better to delay a little pre-examination well.

 Saving a marriage of two minutes per day


As a result, if all the rules are respected, the relationship between husband and wife go smoothly. Irritation longer accumulates because all feelings are out, and the one who throws them gets good support in the form of a hug, which he needs. During the first exercises may feel some confusion, however, over time it becomes a habit and it becomes easier to share because the effect will be visible. Some of the feelings, emotions, experiences, become a surprise for the second half, which often do not even suspect that a loved one is eating.

Exercise to be performed every day, and as required, which occurs on average once or twice a week. This training - is a great opportunity for spouses to be heard and to hear each other themselves, which is so often lacking in daily life.

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