 The birth of his own child - one of the greatest events that fall in everyone's life. No wonder the list of the most memorable emotional ups ranks first child was born. That's why the most bitter disappointment in life is infertility. No matter the reason why there is this pathology: congenital defect of the reproductive system, the effects of an injury or the result of suffering a disease, but one conclusion - the impossibility of self-bearing child.

Fortunately, infertility in the modern development of medical advances is not fatal sentence .  Return the joy of motherhood allow, first of all, the various programs of in vitro fertilization and surrogacy among them occupies a leading position .  Services surrogate mother are now becoming more and more popular, and it only emphasizes the need for them and it is quite natural desire of parents to educate the mother of the child, which would be its not only the letter of the law, but also on genetic grounds .  Speaking about the legal side of surrogacy, it should be noted that this issue is not all settled .  Well, probably all have become accustomed to the fact that the law does not always have time to react to the rapidly changing conditions of social life .  But let us leave the legal issues to lawyers, but a closer look at the medical aspects of surrogacy .

First of all, you should know that you can not use the services of a surrogate mother simply because the woman "once" to give birth to itself, because it is very busy with his official career or other things. That is surrogacy program is designed exclusively for women who do not have the opportunity to bear a child for medical reasons. These include congenital anomalies associated with the lack of a uterus, carry-forward operation on its removal, is not amenable to therapeutic correction of adhesions in the uterine cavity, deformation of the walls of the uterus (a hereditary or due to disease), extragenital pathology (ie not related to the sexual sphere), in which creates a serious risk to the health of women and the high risk of miscarriage (eg severe heart defects).

Surrogate mother physiologically can be any woman between the ages of twenty and thirty-five .  Some experts believe that it is preferable to stop the choice on relative .  But still need to agree to find a surrogacy cousin, to further problems may arise in the framework of human relations .  However, most experts are convinced that the degree of kinship for surrogacy has no value .  The main thing that a woman was physically and mentally healthy, capable of carrying a pregnancy and a healthy child was his .  Physical readiness for bearing a child is adjusted with a whole range of medical research, which is subject to future surrogate mother .  Some of these studies included detailed analysis of the blood to the definition of the enzymatic composition, checking for urogenital infections, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV and serum hepatitis .  It determined the blood group Blood type  Blood type
   and Rh factor, conduct urinalysis, carried out the necessary investigation bacterioscopic. Medical control extends not only to the surrogate mother, and the couple who wish to have a child. After receiving approval from the doctors the next step is to synchronize the menstrual cycles of the surrogate mother and the genetic. Typically this is performed using hormonal stimulation. Having synchronicity, selects a live egg from the ovary of the genetic mother. The same day, a natural or surgically obtained sperm spouse and spend fertilization or in a nutrient medium, or by means of a special injection. The fertilized eggs are placed in a special incubator, where a few days later is transferred into the uterus of a surrogate mother. Incubation child under surrogacy is no different from the "normal" pregnancy.

Zhiguli Andrew

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