first year of crisis
 The first year of the child's life is critical, because it is at this period is the highest number of development of basic skills and getting ideas about this world, which is so huge that without the help of the parents the child simply can not cope with his studies. Therefore, the crisis of the first year of life is a series of flow from one to the other crises, which parents need to know.

 The crisis of the first year of life: the difficult start

Psychophysiological study of the crisis of the first year of life

Speaking globally, the first year of life a child is struggling with the idea of ​​hopelessness fundamental belief in the good. And who will be the child - sanguine or phlegmatic, choleric or melancholic - largely depends on this period of life, from the interaction between the child and parents, which of the global ideas will win: the child will perceive the world in friendly or hostile.

At the household level, everything is much simpler: in the first six months, the child learns to interact with other people, first of all, with his mother .  They begin to appear different behavior patterns, for example, so-called "complex revival" at the sight of the mother or the person replacing her .  The child then establishes a connection between his actions and his mother cry, cry quickly enough becomes emotionally charged, identified tone, signaling that a baby needs at this time .  The mother can not immediately distinguish between them that the child is the first signs of irritation in the form of prolonged crying .  The child then learns grasping movements and expands the range of your desires .  The second half of the first year of life is marked by an independent movement of the room with an increase in the possibility of studying the surroundings .  At this time, the child clearly understands the tone of the mother, sensitively catching her mood and concerns .

 The crisis of the first year of life: the difficult start

The manifestations of the crisis of the first year of life

The crisis of the first year of life is manifested in the presence of dissonance between the desires of the child and the mother of their implementation. The child can not wait! What he needs - you need right now, so any delay on the part of the mother to change the diaper, preparing the mixture for feeding and any other - trigger reactions of anger and a loud cry. After six months, when the child begins to crawl, he is faced with a mass of prohibitions, the nature of which can not yet comprehend and perceive as a manifestation of hostility and misunderstanding.

At this age the child himself begins to feel the individual and show independence. Faced with a lack of understanding of others, especially his mother, he laments, but apparently it can manifest itself in different ways - from the aggression to the whining, by insisting on his stormy to quiet submission. And the last option, the most unfavorable, because, not being able to get what you want, he begins to experience emotional, which in turn can be expressed in cardiac arrhythmias, frequent diseases, violation of sleep and wakefulness, refusal of food, tearfulness.

 The crisis of the first year of life: the difficult start

How to help your child to overcome the crisis of the first year of life

The crisis of the first year is usually not notice the parents who have been waiting for a baby, or if it is not the first. They just enjoyed all the achievements of the child and does not interfere with him to explore the world.

General recommendations are as follows:

  • Always talk with your child in a calm voice, try not to get annoyed and do not raise your voice at the child, even if the irritation is not addressed to him.
  • Create a child day regimen, in which the feeding will take place around the same time, and the child does not have to wait for cooking. This is less true for children breast-fed on demand, such children have always access to food, so grow more calm - they have less cause for misunderstanding with his mother.
  • When a child begins to move around the house - remove anything that may harm him, encourage him to explore the world and enjoy the discoveries that he commits.
  • As little as possible is prohibited. All restrictions must be justified, and respected by all members of the family.
  • The family has to be unanimity on the upbringing of the child.

Svetlana Shimkovich

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