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 a red rash on the penis

Red rash on the glans penis

Red rash Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements  Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements
   on the penis may receive a variety of diseases, furthermore, in the development process red rash Red rash: it speaks volumes  Red rash: it speaks volumes
   It can acquire a white film or vice versa white rash may become red. Even an experienced doctor sometimes can not say exactly what was the cause of the disease without further examination.

 The rash on the penis - or the rate of disease? - Red

Could there be a red rash are normal?

Red rash usually is associated with an inflammatory or allergic processes, however noma embodiment it may not be as distinct from white scars, which may be an indication of clogging of the sebaceous glands.

But blockage of the sebaceous glands may be complicated by infection addition, in this case, it becomes red rash first and then becomes blotchy character.

The cause of the red rash balanoposthitis are of different origin - bacterial, viral, fungal, and others. Further, the cause may be a simple contact and allergic dermatitis.

 The rash on the penis - or the rate of disease? - Red

Balanoposthitis - the main reason for the appearance of a red rash on the penis

Balanoposthitis - an inflammation of the glans penis and the inner surface of the foreskin. Called balanopostit various infectious agents - bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa (including the causative agents of genital infections, as well as caused gardnerellami, staphylococci and streptococci) and their various combinations (balanoposthitis mixed origin).

Contributing factors for developing this disease can be a variety of diseases that cause low immunity (diabetes, decreased thyroid function, obesity, etc.), treatments and drugs that cause decreased immunity (glucocorticoids, radiotherapy) and immunodeficiencies. In addition, the predisposing factors may be permanent mechanical irritation of genitals rough synthetic fabrics, oral and anal sex without a condom and so on.

 The rash on the penis - or the rate of disease? - Red

The main symptoms of balanoposthitis

Starts balanopostit any origin with redness and swelling of the glans, accompanied by intense itching and burning. Redness can capture the entire head or to appear as red spots (rash). Further changes to the head of the penis depends on the pathogen.

Thus, when fungal balanoposthitis caused by the yeast genus Candida, in the reddened and edematous surface of the glans there is a white cheesy plaque. For herpes infection is characterized by the appearance of the rash bubble, which bursts with the formation of erosions and ulcers, are covered later crusts. When gardnerelleznoy balanoposthitis patient comes from the characteristic fishy smell, which can not be confused with anything. If the "culprits" of the disease are streptococci, developing deep erosion and ulceration of the glans penis. Trichomonas balanopostit characterized by copious and the defeat of the urethra. When bacterial balanoposthitis often fever, impaired general condition of the patient, increasing nearby (inguinal) lymph nodes.

In the long balanoposthitis it may be complicated by phimosis - narrowing of the foreskin and the inability to open the head of the penis. Phimosis develops due to proliferation of connective tissue at the site of the foreskin ulcers. Another complication - is a consequence of paraphimosis phimosis. Paraphimosis - a denial of the glans penis foreskin - a condition that requires emergency medical care.

 The rash on the penis - or the rate of disease? - Red


In order to properly treat balanoposthitis, you need to specify its origin. To do this, we conducted a microscopic examination of secretions, planting them on culture media to identify the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibacterial and antifungal agents, and the identification of the causative agent by PCR (DNA of the pathogen is detected) and ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - identifies antibodies to pathogens).

 The rash on the penis - or the rate of disease? - Red


Treatment is carried out according to a specific pathogen or multiple pathogens. When bacterial infections are appointed by antibiotics. If the inflammation is insignificant, it is sufficient external funds in the form of ointments and creams, with the expression of the prescribed antibiotics for systemic effects.

When fungal and viral balanoposthitis appointed antifungal or antiviral drugs in combination with immunomodulators and prolechivaniem all foci of infection in the body, which could cause a decrease in immunity.

In any case, when a red rash on the penis should seek medical advice.

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