• The rash on the penis - or the rate of disease?
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Guys, referring to the doctor you yourself put task - to find a disease! The doctor always will help you find it, even when it is not. I not in one forum or another doctor wrote that the red dots that appear immediately after the act *** yourself go in a few days can be a mechanical micro-trauma in the form of broken vessels! Especially if they come / go regularly and analyzes do not show you anything! Stop making yourself sick, as long as you do not really feel the pain / itching severe / unusual odor / ulcers, etc. None of the doctors wrote that even after fiz.nagruzok / long trips this can appear as a manifestation of broken vessels / overload the body.
Roma quote:
And I have a rash appeared after I had soap for washing. So it is better to wash the potassium permanganate and cologne can make even worse because it except alcohol lacks any impurities.
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If the skin is oily alkalis in soaps which can aggravate plenty vsё.gel salvation
And I have a rash appeared after I had soap for washing. So it is better to wash the potassium permanganate and cologne can make even worse because it except alcohol lacks any impurities.
A lot of things said and nothing useful. The simplest reason - balanitis. Inflammation of dirt. Thoroughly wash their farms with soap, rinse and immerse in a jar with potassium permanganate. Dissolve and dilute to advance pink. Hold it for 5 minutes. Repeat if necessary. If there is no potassium permanganate just sprinkle cologne.
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