tics in children
 The children are quite common neurological disorders such as tics. The child begins to flinch, blink often, he twitches lid, corner of the mouth or cheek. Such compulsive and involuntary movements called tics. Teak can be as a result of birth trauma, and the result of some stress.

 Tics in children - who is to blame and what to do

What is tick, their types and causes of

Tick ​​- a type of fast involuntary contractions constantly same muscle or muscle group in which there are violent movements, sometimes very similar to voluntary movements. Resist tick is difficult and after the arbitrary power of retention teak can grow.

By the nature distinguish convulsive tics (quick short cuts) and tonic (sustained muscle relaxation diminished). Tiki are simple (reducing one muscle) and complex (reduced muscle group). Teak can be strictly limited to some part of the body, or general (generalized), covering all the muscles.

By origin tics are divided into organic and psychogenic. Tiki organic origin in children are more common and are due to birth trauma, intoxication (eg, chronic adenoiditis or chronic tonsillitis). There are those ticks are usually in the early school age, apply to face, neck, hands, firmly held and can be amplified in adolescence

The appearance of the child psychogenic tic preceded by different stressful situations in the family, the children's collective, on the street. The most dangerous in regard to the appearance of ticks two periods of childhood: 3-4 years and 7-10 years. Sometimes tics in children are the result of imitation or some disease (eg, frequent blinking in chronic conjunctivitis Conjunctivitis  Conjunctivitis
   or sniff in adenoids). Very often there is a tick in children genetically predisposed to it if, for example, teak was one of the parents. Starting torque appearance tick usually becomes stress experienced by the child (first contact with the new team in the kindergarten or school, children's conflicts, conflicts with adults, funk). These children often there are other signs of neurosis: anxiety, irritability, anxiety, poor sleep, teeth grinding during sleep, urinary incontinence.

Meet and generalized tic (Tourette's tic), which usually develops in boys around the age of 8 years. It can cause damaging factors such as traumatic brain injury, and childhood diseases (measles, chicken pox)

 Tics in children - who is to blame and what to do

How does tics in children

Most often there are ticks the person is involved in a variety of his muscles: motion eyebrows, nose wings, flashing, repetitive chewing motion.

Simple tics are usually manifested face any one repetitive movement such as twitching cheek. Complex tics are manifested by involuntary contractions of the muscles, which in turn captures certain muscle groups (zazhmurivanie eye twitching cheek, pulling the lips). In some cases, teak is some repeating face (fear, joy, surprise).

Tiki neck muscles may occur, for example, in the form of sternocleidomastoid ticks - sternocleidomastoid rhythmic head movements, caused by the twitching of the neck muscles (in children often during teething). Tiki face and neck are often combined with reductions in the pharyngeal and respiratory muscles, because of what the child makes a peculiar sound (beep, sigh, rumbling, sobbing, smacking).

There are tiki aperture rhythmic hiccups. If you tick the arm muscles occur simultaneous complex hand movements (eg, hand-to-face approach). If you tick the leg muscles child often begins to stagnate, to dance, to jump. Meets tick one half of the body in the form of short jerks with a gasp.

The course is usually chronic tics, their number and frequency of occurrence may increase. But most children tics, in contrast, are on their own with age.

 Tics in children - who is to blame and what to do

Diagnosis and treatment of tics in children

In order to eliminate the organic cause of the disease, the child is fully examined, if necessary, carry electroencephalography, X-ray examination of the brain. Babies under one year (until closed anterior fontanelle) held ultrasound brain.

When organic ticks are treated in accordance with established disease. When ticks psychogenic identify their causes and cure neurosis. For a child it is necessary to create a gentle comfortable environment at home and in the children's collective, often communicate with the child, to engage with them in some common cause. Correction ticks psychogenic origin children are therapists and psychologists. In some cases, prescribe sedatives, hypnotics light vegetable origin.

Tiki require long-term treatment and careful handling of the child.

Galina Romanenko

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