Yoga for pregnant women
 Yoga will help the expectant mother to gain strength before the upcoming birth, feel more relaxed and flexible. Yoga during pregnancy allows women to experience great changes, not only physically, but also spiritually. Moreover, yoga classes will have positive effects not only for the mother but also for the baby. In fact, there are many yoga poses that are suitable for pregnant women.

Every expectant mother wants the whole period of pregnancy was without complications. After all, a healthy pregnancy - a healthy baby. Taking prenatal yoga, women make an invaluable contribution to the positive development of the unborn child. But how exercises help to give birth to a healthy baby? Follow the clear instructions, and try out some safe, not heavy exercises to secure a peaceful future in the delivery.

 Yoga for pregnant women - a positive effect for the mother and baby

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga helps to relieve the pressure How to reduce the pressure at home: self-help  How to reduce the pressure at home: self-help
 It improves sleep and digestion, strengthens muscles and joints, improves flexibility of the body. Those who suffer from fatigue and depression Depression  Depression
 , Severe headaches, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, feel a significant improvement in health when they begin to devote yoga small part of his life.

 Yoga for pregnant women - a positive effect for the mother and baby

Yoga during pregnancy

The nine months of pregnancy a woman is going through big changes, both physical and psychological. Changing body hormone levels, which leads to frequent changes of mood, so the expectant mother may feel anger, anxiety, stress. Of course, every reasonable person tries to control himself, and somehow deal with such problems. Any changes that happen to a woman, in any case should not affect its efforts to feel and look better.

Classes Prenatal yoga helps women to successfully cope with the changes that are starting to happen with them in the moment of conception Conception - as the emerging life  Conception - as the emerging life
   child. Clinical studies have shown that pregnant women who practice yoga, feel better, it is easier to control your weight, childbirth they are less painful, as a result, are born healthier children, and the body after birth will come in the form than in women who sedentary during pregnancy. Yoga classes contribute to achieving a balance between relaxation and exercise. Various yoga exercises help to harmonize mind, body and soul.

 Yoga for pregnant women - a positive effect for the mother and baby

Benefits of Prenatal Yoga

The exercises, breathing techniques, meditation - it is the main method of prenatal yoga. If you keep practicing yoga, a pregnant woman will experience her positive qualities, not only during pregnancy, and after childbirth. Prenatal yoga is meant by a stretching of the muscles and tissues - it helps keep the body toned, improves blood circulation.

  • Mukha dhauti - full inhalation technique by which increases endurance, is very useful during any labor.
  • After studying various breathing techniques, you will be able to breathe deeply and properly. With proper breathing comes a feeling of relaxation. This is very helpful when performing different exercises, during and after delivery.
  • Breathing exercises help you to remain calm, even in stressful situations. Since the load during yoga increases and the pain of exercise also increases, proper breathing helps to stay calm and relaxed. You will not be clamped or hold your breath.
  • Yoga nidra (dream yoga) - sitting posture is known as savasana. If done correctly, this exercise, yoga practitioner feels the physical, psychological and spiritual emancipation.
  • Mudra - a gesture, the execution of which stimulates the female reproductive organs.
  • Prenatal yoga position - squat, and helps to strengthen the pelvic muscles to reveal. When stretching the muscles and joints, massage the different parts of the body, the process of detoxification. Toxins are removed from each body, resulting in increased energy content.
  • With prenatal yoga classes can overcome insomnia, to get rid of back pain and fatigue, discomfort in the legs and increase the chances of a favorable course of childbirth.
  • Yoga increases vitality, helps to keep the weight at the appropriate level and contributes to the formation of correct posture during pregnancy.
  • The appearance of stretch marks, varicose veins, or separation of the placenta - the chances of that are minimal.
  • Regular prenatal yoga classes improve immunity, give the body the internal forces.
  • Specific prenatal yoga poses, such as marjarasana, namaskarasana, sulabh utkatasana facilitate safe and easy gestation.
  • Yoga improves mental performance, attention, memory, help control emotions and focus on their abilities.

 Yoga for pregnant women - a positive effect for the mother and baby

Prenatal Yoga Positions

As well as performing any other exercise, a pregnant woman should observe basic safety precautions and perform a variety of yoga poses. You should perform only those exercises and poses that do not cause pregnant discomfort to severe pain. It is better to avoid the inverted position at which contracts the uterus or abdomen. The classrooms should be a pleasant air temperature also need to drink plenty of water before, during and after exercise, because it will help alleviate the entire process of employment. After four months of pregnancy do not practice the exercises at the back. If all of a sudden health problems, consult a physician immediately. He will give all the necessary guidance and advice on how to proceed.

You can attend special group sessions, where reside under the supervision of a competent teacher, or buy books and DVD on yoga and carefully follow the instructions set out in them.

 Yoga for pregnant women - a positive effect for the mother and baby

Uttanasana   (helps reduce the labor and facilitates the process of childbirth)

  • Spread a mat on the floor. Get on it.
  • Pull both legs, raise both arms to the ceiling, palms facing forward. When lifting the arms pull the whole body.
  • Take one or two breaths.
  • Pull the spine, exhale and tilt your body forward.
  • Place the palms on the floor beside the feet. Pull the body forward by lifting your head up and spine sag. Make one or two of inhalation and exhalation.
  • Exhaling, bring the head to the knees.
  • Normal breathing, stay in this position long thirty - sixty seconds.
  • Inhale as you return to starting position

 Yoga for pregnant women - a positive effect for the mother and baby

Baddha Konasana   (helps open up the pelvic muscles, stimulates the reproductive organs, good for the fetus, preparing it for delivery)

  • Spread a mat on the floor.
  • Sit up straight against a wall. Straighten your legs.
  • Bend your knees, feet connect.
  • You can prop up the leg pad or roller.
  • Stay in this position for several minutes.
  • Stop, if feel uncomfortable.
  • Return to the starting position.

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