Passing green benches, which are on sale celery, it is difficult to pass. Spicy aroma of this miracle plant stops and beckons. Scientists of all countries agreed that the safest health and useful herbs in the world - the celery. He is not only able to influence the aging process
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Providing cell resistance to the harmful effects of celery is part of the legendary "love drink", being a natural aphrodisiac.
The composition and the use of celery
Celery (lat. Apium) - biennial herb of the family Umbelliferae. This vegetable crop has more than twenty species distributed on all continents. All parts of aromatic plants are eaten and have the most remarkable properties.
Celery is rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, zinc. In cooking, it is used as a full-fledged component in salads and marinades, it rubbed on a grater or cut into cubes. If the celery root, boil, taste it reminds potatoes. Use this part of the celery in dishes like parsley, while it refines flavor dishes and gives it an extra kick.
Stemmed celery - one thin waists as a hundred grams of juicy stalk contains only eight calories, while digestion takes them much longer. Conclusion: eating fragrant stalk of green vegetables, a person loses weight only in the process of absorption.
Celery leaves are rich in carotene and ascorbic acid, salts of phosphorus and calcium. They are used as a diuretic, tincture of leaves improves male potency. A bunch of celery greens decorate any dish, essential oils contained in them, will give the table oriental fragrance.
Celery in traditional medicine
This miracle vegetable has wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, soothing properties and at the same time exciting desire. Is that possible? Proper use of different parts of the plant will help in sickness and in love. The main thing - to know what parts and what form should be used against diseases.
For wound healing applied tincture of celery. Two tablespoons of dried leaves greenery pour one cup of boiling water and infused for two hours, this gives an excellent remedy for lotions minor wounds, bruises, hematomas. If you use such funds within 3-4 times a day, half a cup, quickly rid the body of toxins.
Crude fiber stems of the plant treats constipation, bloating, helps digestion, relieves stomach cramps. The magnesium content in the juice of celery makes it a true anti-depressant. The fresh juice of the plant mixed with apple or carrot juice will help get rid of depression, calm and de-stress.
Celery root, grated and mixed with shredded carrots, apple or cabbage salad would be the same pleasure and tranquility, a true recipe for health. Besides, he quickly removes toxins and excess salt, helping to keep normal weight.
All parts of the plant contain essential oil with a bright flavor. Celery leaves are rich in amino acids, minerals, glycosides, vitamins C, E, B group, carotenoids. The roots of the plant are also present asparagine, choline, butyric acid, furokumariny possessing anticancer activity. In lettuce and celery stemmed varieties of vitamin
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With four times, and carotene forty times than edible root.
In ancient times, diluted with water or vinegar, celery juice is used as an antiemetic. Celery has beneficial effects on the stomach, liver and bladder. Infusion of the roots of plants used in chronic colitis, gastric ulcer, gastritis, constipation. Two tablespoons dried minced root pour a glass of cold boiled water, infused for two hours and take 1/3 cup three times a day. To increase this appetite infusion take half an hour before a meal.
Even if you simply cut celery
Celery: vegetable with obvious advantages
salad and make it a regular and enjoyable addition to any dish, the health benefits will be invaluable. It is useful for diabetics and stroyneyuschim, and diseases of the eye, skin, joints.
Celery as an aphrodisiac
Aphrodisiacs (Gr. Aphrodisiaca) - tools that increase vitality of the body, including enhancing sexual ability. The ancient legend of Tristan and Isolde drink a drink of love and felt a mad passion for each other. The recipe of this secret potion survives today in its original form. One hundred milliliters of fresh celery juice, twenty-five - fifty and apple - pear juice. Worth a try, all the ingredients are available all year round.
The name "aphrodisiac" derives from the name of the Greek goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite. This daughter of Zeus and Diana wore the magic belt, exuding exciting aroma, to whom could not resist any mortal man nor the gods. Green celery was woven into the belt along with other herbs.
Oil plants obtained from the stems and roots, herbs, and especially seeds, has a strong pleasant fragrance. Tonic and stimulating properties of essential oil of celery makes it a real aphrodisiac.
A little history
Celery is one of the oldest plants used in food. About him know in the II century BC A plant for the shiny leaves called "Celine", which means "shine". This word is often found in the epics of Homer's "Odyssey" and "Iliad." Celery was a cult plant - it even depicted on ancient coins of Sicily and Greece.
Heroes of the Olympic games in ancient times decorated with wreaths of celery, fragrant leaves decorated home for the holidays. The ancient Greeks pieces of fragrant plants were added, along with dill when pickling olives.
In the days of Cleopatra in Egypt, the celery was considered a cure "ailments saving, energy is added." In Russia, this vegetable was in the time of Catherine II. First he ate with pleasure the foreigners arriving in the country, thanks to them, celery got on the table everyday Russians. Nobles initially planted it as an ornamental plant, and only in the XVIII century in Russia, "discovered" the benefit of this vegetable.
Today, celery is cultivated in Western and Southern Europe, Asia, North and South America, the CIS countries, Russia, Africa.
Jeanne Pyatirikova
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