• Highlighter "magical" transformation of persons
  • Choosing

 highlighter selection

Selecting means

Modern means of decorative cosmetics can not only mask imperfections and to draw attention to specific details, but also completely change the face by applying makeup techniques and highlighting specific areas. That means this is considered highlighter - cosmetics, by highlighting and highlights certain areas of the face which allows to achieve a fresh, radiant skin and hide its flaws.

Lightening effect and camouflage problem areas is achieved by a special formula highlighter - a part of such funds, including special light-reflecting particles, due to which the skin and becomes a natural glow. That effect may have very different color cosmetics - from makeup base A foundation: the basic principles of beauty  A foundation: the basic principles of beauty
 , Powder and blush to contour shadows and pencils. Just as different can be, and texture highlighter - liquid, powdery, creamy. Properly applied highlighter able to completely transform the appearance, to create a perfect evening make-up, make "Hollywood" skin radiance. But when serious problems with the skin - the presence of inflammation, acne scars or scars - from the use of highlighter should be abandoned: in this case, cosmetics only attract unwanted attention to problem areas.

 Highlighter "magical" transformation of the face - Choice

How to use the highlighter

The main objective of highlighter - creating a perfect contour of the face: oval, symmetrical. With the help of cosmetics can emphasize the regular features, distracting attention from the seemingly unattractive parts. Depending on the shape and structure of the face and the objectives of creating make-highlighter to emphasize the possible outline of the lips, cheekbones, the sides of the wings and nose, eyebrow or podbrovnogo arc temporal regions. In any event, apply highlighter always necessary to clean, moisturized skin - or any cosmetics on your face will look unnatural.

To make a more expressive and more eyes, emphasize the inner corner of the eye highlighter, podbrovnogo arc and bend eyebrow, starting from the middle of the field podbrovnogo arc. To create a clear outline of the face using a highlighter tool to apply the upper area of ​​the cheekbones towards the temporal areas. Apply highlighter should be on the same site cheekbones, which are usually applied blush. In conjunction with the cheeks blush highlighter provide almost sculptural clarity. Emphasize the need to makeup the best, in your opinion, attractive facial features, and the least interesting - for example, too large nose, a double chin - to hide by using a tonal framework or powder darker shade than the natural skin tone.

 Highlighter "magical" transformation of the face - Choice

How to choose a highlighter

As is the case with any other decorative cosmetics Cosmetics - whether to use it on all cylinders  Cosmetics - whether to use it on all cylinders
 Efficiency highlighter when creating makeup depends not only on the technology and fields of application, but also by properly selected color shade. So before you buy a highlighter, pre-define the field, he will emphasize - depending on the shade of cosmetics can be different.

If the main purpose of highlighter to underline the beauty of eyes, the best shade is creamy white or pale pink highlighter with a powdery texture or in the form of a pencil. However, the texture and the highlighter, and in any other case depends on the type of skin.

For podsvetleniya the cheeks, depending on the natural color of the skin, suitable highlighter pale pink or pale peach color with a powdery or creamy texture. Creamy texture is best suited for owners of normal or dry skin, but with oily or combination skin is better to use a highlighter powdery texture, which has the effect of easy drying.

To focus attention on the lips need a highlighter pencil - such cosmetics is compact enough to be mistaken for application, and also different light texture, without harming the delicate skin of the lips. The same pencil or highlighter with a creamy texture is optimal to create the desired contour of the nose. But to emphasize the chin or a general outline of the face and shoulders, décolletage and neck, the most convenient is highlighter with a powdery texture.

Tatiana Smirnova

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