• Acne Treatment - not all cases are the same
  • Antibiotics

 antibiotics to treat acne

Antibiotics for the treatment of acne

Acne - a common problem that is usually treatable. You may need several months of treatment, the skin is cleansed. Acne can be treated with antibiotics in tablets.


How long should treatment

Whatever treatment is applied, it can take up to four weeks, until any noticeable improvement in skin condition. Usually there is a good result after six weeks. However, for best results can require up to four months of treatment, and sometimes longer before the skin is substantially free from spots.
  The most common cause of treatment failure is that some people think that the treatment does not work, after a few weeks of use, and reject it.

  So keep any medication for at least six weeks before deciding whether it works or not. If, after six weeks of correct and regular treatment is no improvement, do not despair. Usually, when this council or add another more powerful drug, and, most likely, it will help. Though usually the treatment helps get rid of most of the acne, there is no medicine that will make your skin perfect and single acne can persist.


Return Does acne following treatment?

When the skin is cleansed, acne usually appear again if you stop treatment. Therefore, after the acne disappeared or significantly reduced, usually need to continue maintenance treatment to acne from appearing. As a rule, you need 4-5 years of maintenance treatment to acne never returned. This is typical of older adolescents aged or 20s. In rare cases, acne remain after the age of thirty, or even longer. For these people the opportunity to continue treatment to keep the situation under control.

Supportive treatment is usually carried out with the help of external agents, benzoyl peroxide or topical retinoid Retinoids against skin aging: means of wrinkles  Retinoids against skin aging: means of wrinkles
 . Both of these drugs can be used indefinitely. For example, weak forces apply the drug once a day every day can reliably prevent the return of acne.

Usually, antibiotic pills or topical antibiotics are not used as supportive treatment when the skin is cleansed. The reason is that the prolonged use of antibiotics can lead to microbial resistance to antibiotics. So if you from the beginning treated with antibiotics, you may be advised to change to the treatment of benzoyl peroxide or topical retinoid, as maintenance treatment.

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