• Fashion of 17th century - a reflection of a new era
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 17th century fashion history

Fashion of 17th century history in a suit

Fashion, like any other area of ​​human creativity, is very sensitive to any changes in the society. In fashion, you can find a reflection of the majority of historical epochs and events. For example, XVII century brought to the fashion world at the same time and splendor of royal costumes of luxurious embroidered silk, and ease of Puritan costumes and dresses.


Fashionable silhouette of the 17th century

A century of fashion marked a fundamental change in fashion trends. Fashion the early 17th century, it enjoyed a magnificent dress with high collar multi-layer, high-waisted and very full sleeves. But in the second half of the 17th century, women's dresses have become fundamentally different: to replace a wide dress with a high waist came a slender silhouette with a vertical emphasis on the horizontal line of the shoulders.

 17th century fashion history
 Lush, wide sleeves ending just below the elbow, in the second half of the century became more narrow and long. It was during the second half of the 17th century finally entrenched in the fashion corset lifts the breast and makes it particularly thin waist. But in the late 17th century in women's fashion has penetrated even more flirtatious and seductive trend: top dress skirt is lifted slightly, revealing the petticoat, often richly decorated and embroidered.

In the late 17th century, the fashion included a completely new piece of clothing - coats: the free mantle descends from the shoulders almost to the floor, and for most women successfully replace the traditional combination of a fluffy skirt and a narrow bodice. The new image was much more modest and closed than with frank neckline dresses and corsets, but also rife with decorations: silk coat decorated with bows, ribbons, ruffles.

The end of the 17th century was marked by yet another innovation. Since the French and British aristocrats are not inferior to men, along with the latest leaving hunting or horse riding, designers have come up with their special costumes for riding. Such suits include specific comfortable coats, reminiscent of male and worn over a long skirt to the bottom of the ankle. Critics of such an innovation even claimed that in such suits only long skirt distinguished women from men.


Fashion Fabric

In the early 17th century, the most fashionable cloth at royal courts and aristocrats was silk with exquisite floral embroidery. It was at that time the heyday of the finest lace that adorn the clothing of both women and men. However, enthusiasm floral motifs remained popular long: already in the twenties of the 17th century came to be replaced by luxury solid color atlas and the main decoration of the dresses became longer embroidery and bows and ribbons.

Outside the royal court and aristocratic salons, however, dominated tissue much more modest: mainly women wore clothes made of colored linen or wool.


Puritanism in fashion

 17th century fashion history
 17th century was marked by the civil war in the United Kingdom, and the emergence of new religious movements, which is bound to be reflected in fashion. If in the early 17th century English royal court followed the exquisite and magnificent French style, then a little later, with the flourishing of Puritanism in vogue more modest outfits restrained dark colors.

Not only Protestant, but the Catholic Church has attempted to reduce the extravagance of the aristocratic orders, simplifying them. For example, in the early thirties of the 17th century the French king Louis XIII issued two laws that prohibit wearing clothes with lace and luxurious embroidery all but the highest aristocracy, and restricts the use of ribbons, frills and other decorations.

The followers of the Puritan Church entered into vogue modest dark color and cut: to replace the low-cut came extremely modest dress with a high collar and close hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   hat. Both men and women avoid brightly colored clothing, shiny fabrics, an abundance of jewelry.

The most common colors and puritanok, and kalvinistok were dark brown, brown-red, dark green. Black Dresses What colors combined with black: less darkness and pathos  What colors combined with black: less darkness and pathos
   woman was reserved for special occasions: the black paint was the most expensive and quickly faded. From so beloved by the French and British aristocrats silk Silk - a legacy of the Yellow Emperor  Silk - a legacy of the Yellow Emperor
   and luxurious satin dresses puritanok was gone: the most common fabrics were modest wool and flax, and themselves only occasionally dress decorated with lace trim.

Tatiana Smirnova

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