• How to survive the Christmas holidays and keep your style - fix bugs
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 Preparation for New Year's holidays

Preparing for the New Year holidays

If you shudder at the thought of New Year's eve hectic raids on shops in search of gifts, their subsequent festive packaging, and the preparation of the New Year's table with all of this maintaining stunning looks, you definitely need help.

 How to survive the Christmas holidays and keep your style - correct errors - Preparation

  • Do not do everything yourself

You can not do everything yourself, so at every opportunity to use the help. Do not even try to make homemade cards for each family member to prepare a sumptuous meal that could compete with lukullovymi feasts, and clean the house before the gloss. Any business that you can charge the employee or a sympathetic friend (or family member), will allow you to find the time to engage them and make the holidays more fun. The only exception to this rule: all the time saved by purchasing a ready meal or a festive greeting cards in a shop should be spent on bringing order to their appearance - it's time to do this before the holidays.

  • Try to get pleasure from shopping

 Preparation for New Year's holidays
 At breakfast, meet up with a friend or share shopping trip short breaks to make it a pleasant experience does not become a hard labor. If the Holiday Shopping - one of the few cases where you can find clothes for myself, not plagued by pangs of conscience, spending money on unplanned outfits. Even if you have little time to search for gifts, there are ways to make a good buy and in a hurry.

  • Plan ahead

Do not forget to add to the list of mandatory cases a visit to the beauty salon Beauty, from hairstyles to krioliftinga  Beauty, from hairstyles to krioliftinga
 , And well before the holidays. Coloring and hair cut Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 As well as cleaning and hem clothes need to put in the diary in advance. Start early and five days will be able to perfectly prepare for any party and event.

  • Buy multiple multifunctional fashion items

If you have to visit more than one party, be stocked with things that you can equally well put on all at once. Take, for example, a romantic blouse with long wide sleeves and lace trim. You can successfully combine it with jeans (informal party among friends), black velvet trousers (cocktail party) or a long black skirt and high heel shoes (formal ceremonial event). Thoroughly prepare for any eventuality, and fill a wardrobe classic things that are perfect for any festive event.

  • Save on what can only

 Preparation for New Year's holidays
 There is nothing easier than to splurge on holidays, especially if you need to buy gifts pile of relatives and friends. Fortunately, it was in the pre-New Year period (since mid-November) in large stores run sales of all goods that can be used as a New Year gift. Pay particular attention to the classic clothes, such as cashmere sweaters and coats at a huge discount. Perhaps the most fashionable designer handbags or accessories you will not find on sale, but everything else - without difficulty.

  • Not to raise demands on themselves

If you are used to the fact that you are surrounded by beautiful things only, or you live in a big way (or if you're simply a perfectionist), preparing for the holidays can easily take you out of yourself. Be prepared in advance to ensure that you will have to try to look great even in a state of extreme exhaustion.

  • Remember the benefits of forming a garment

Of course, you can choose the path of martyrdom, and insane sit on a diet during the holidays. The logical question is: Is it the holidays? Especially if we remember that there are such wonderful tools like Sassybax (bra that hides the fat deposits on the back) and Spanx, who secretly make you slimmer.

  • If in doubt, wear a little black dress

The classic beauty of a little black dress Little black dress: to change the world  Little black dress: to change the world
   - It is something that will make you irresistible to any party - but the most informal and most officious.

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