tight mini-dress
 Mini-dresses are fitting shape, look very sexy and fit girl with a slim figure Slim figure: acquire and hold  Slim figure: acquire and hold
 . Even holders of eligible forms of risk to look vulgar, if they choose for themselves the wrong style of dress or decorate unsuitable accessories. In order for such a dress was exquisite, spicy, stylish, you must choose the right way to wear it.

 Tight mini-dress: safe sex

Shallow neckline

High cut-throat with a slightly extended skirt mini dress will not be allowed to break out beyond the model of propriety. Another good method - wear it with shoes that embrace a wide ankle strap - it just shorten the leg, and the length of the dress will no longer seem shocking.

 Tight mini-dress: safe sex

Combining with a jacket / jackets

 tight mini-dress
 Very simple solution for cool-season - a short jacket or a jacket. If the model is the same as the dress on the colors, the set will look very one piece, and the dress will not seem too short.

 Tight mini-dress: safe sex

Long vest

If the season has not yet-to-wear pieces with long sleeves, it is worth trying to combine the dress with a long vest. Although arms will remain open, silhouette will receive a small amount, layered effect, and visually the dress will be more modest. If you do not want to hide from others the figure, it should stay on the thin vest made of light material.

 Tight mini-dress: safe sex

Additional insert

Transparent insert attached to the edge of the skirt, make it a little to calm the sexy image of mini-dresses and feel comfortable in such a model.

 Tight mini-dress: safe sex

Volume earrings

 tight mini-dress
 If you want to divert attention from the bottom of the dress, try to delay it by three-dimensional parts in the upper zone. For example, you can wear asymmetrical mini dress with flashy earrings, which are also combined with ornaments in the top part of the silhouette.

 Tight mini-dress: safe sex

Build / drapery

When clothes are small fine wrinkles, it seems much calmer than smooth fabric, skinny body. Choose dresses with drapes that run throughout the figure.

 Tight mini-dress: safe sex

The model in skin tone

If you wear a mini-dress that is close in tone to the skin, you can even do without the tricks of camouflage jackets or scarves. Highly recommended to do so, if the shoes are similar hue, not bright colors. If the dress color contrasts of color, it automatically draws attention to the contrast between them and the length as well.

 Tight mini-dress: safe sex


Try not to dwell on a method of masking the length dresses. For example, if you have long hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 You can dissolve them, and then it will be a good complement to the other methods. Combine several approaches to taming the excessive sexy dress, but try not to overload the strong image.

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