• Velour costumes - sporty chic
  • Modern

 modern velor suits

Modern velor suits - comfortable luxury of the day

Velour costumes in vogue at first very gently and timidly, and then conquered the world with its cozy plush arms. Who would have thought that velvet material, when it is considered an attribute of luxury apparel, cloth become quite commonplace sets? However it happened, what you need to thank, first of all, the brand of sportswear, and secondly, the celebrities who popularized the velor suits. Without them, you may have sports and youth fashion would be quite a different person.

Velour - a natural material with low thick pile, which makes the fabric is very soft and pleasant to the touch. Sets, which are called velor, made of cotton, either pure or with the addition of synthetic material in a proportion of, for example, 80% cotton and 20% polyester. His common and popular for several styles of costumes Velour owe their physical properties - thermal conductivity and a pleasant sensation on the body. In addition, they are quite durable and resistant to wear, sportswear Sportswear - Past and Present  Sportswear - Past and Present
 In which they are firmly established, it is an undisputed advantage.


Becoming a velvety style

 modern Juicy Couture velor suits
 In today's market many brands that produce velor suits, but the first signs Fila brand was launched in Italy in the eighties. It still produces kits for men and women. Example with Adidas and Fila have Nike, presented his vision of sportswear in a cozy velor. And finally, the most significant contribution made to Juicy Couture. Designers American brand, which started with the release of clothes for expectant mothers Clothing for pregnant women: the selection rules  Clothing for pregnant women: the selection rules
 Always cared about the maximum comfort to its clients. They showed the world that velor suit - a new word not only in sports but also in fashion in general.

In 2001 it began mass production of velor suits from Juicy Couture. Maybe the girl and would not pay much attention to the new trend if soft trousers and bomber jackets are not the stars began to appear at the highest level. Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Gwyneth Paltrow - all of them covered by a passion for a healthy lifestyle, out for a morning jog in velor suits the brand, what attracted attention as Juicy Couture, and in a new fashion.

Such kits have taken root as clothing for sports. They are very pleasing to the body, not its adhesive qualities, retain heat, when cool, but they are not too hot, as is used for the production of organic cotton. Soon velor parts crossed beyond just sports fashion, becoming the attributes of youth trends. Warm cozy jacket with a hood, decorated with rhinestones, bright prints and different colors were worn young ladies with jeans and short skirts. Then, velor suits replaced the bathrobe, when many women have realized their advantage to wear home.


Sport Chic

 modern velor suits Victoria's Secret
 Currently, velor suits many brands are available, but the image of them practically unchanged throughout the decade. They represent the Union and pants bomber, although there are options and shorts. Release engaged as sports brands and brand to make a name in the field of high fashion. Among them, of course, pioneers - Fila, Adidas, Nike, and the inhabitants of Olympus fashion Dolce & Gabbana, Russian designer Masha Tsigal. Luxury suites produces Christian Audigier, which they, in contrast to the already familiar applications and embroideries are interesting figures on the velor. These patterns make clothing suitable for wearing, more likely, not in the gym and a dance club. Their costumes and produces one of the leading producers of fine linen - Victoria's Secret.

Owners velor suit Velour costumes celebration plush fashion  Velour costumes celebration plush fashion
   can make their choice among the many color options, decorated with embroidery, sequins, appliques or more concise - plain and no frills. Most of the costumes are made in a single color. The most commonly used pink, blue, yellow. Also popular are muted versions: gray, which looks at the silver-pearl velor, gold, white, black, brown.

Eugene Zhirkina

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