proper nutrition healthy heart
 In modern society, spend a small sum for lunch at McDonald's a lot easier than to cook a complete meal. The popularity of fast food is not the best way impact on human health: over-saturated fat diet led to this epidemic of heart disease. Fortunately, to avoid the diseases of the cardiovascular system, you can include in your diet are some products that allow to keep the heart healthy.

 Proper nutrition for a healthy heart

Oat groats

Oatmeal belongs to the category of whole grains, which, in turn, is considered the foundation of a healthy diet. Whole grains differ from recycled so that they are saved and flower shell grain and grain embryo. Although cereal processing can significantly increase the shelf life, while at the same time, deprives processing cereals significant amount of mineral vitamins and antioxidants.

Oatmeal - an indispensable source of beta-glucan lowers cholesterol and low density lipoproteins in the blood. These lipoproteins, or "bad" cholesterol - the main cause of heart disease. Numerous studies have shown that patients in the diet which included oat bran, cholesterol decreased by almost 18%, and low-density lipoproteins - 9%.

In addition, whole grains have a low glycemic index, ie slightly raise blood sugar levels. Foods with a low glycemic index have a huge advantage in terms of health, because they help to prevent the development of different types of diabetes (a major risk factor for many diseases of the heart).

 Proper nutrition for a healthy heart

Red wine

Red wine in small quantities, is used daily, will help to avoid the development of many heart diseases. The beneficial properties of red wine are as antioxidants, which is rich in the drink - and, in particular resveratrol, which is contained in the seeds and grape skin. Resveratrol lowers blood cholesterol levels and, along with other polyphenols in red wine, reduces the amount of blood clots. Acting like aspirin, red wine reduces blood clotting, thereby helping to lower the risk of blood clots.

Recent studies have shown that red wine has a kind of soothing effect, reducing blood pressure. Drinking red wine in small quantities will reduce the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

 Proper nutrition for a healthy heart


Spinach - an invaluable source of vitamin Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
   B, also known as folate. Folate deficiency causes abnormal development of the spinal system in newborns, and recent studies have shown that folate plays an important role in preventing heart disease by lowering homocysteine ​​levels in the blood. High levels of homocysteine ​​increases the risk of heart attack; therefore, include folate-rich diet products, can significantly reduce the risk of cardio-vascular system.

In general, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, helps to cope with high blood pressure - one of the key risk factors for many heart diseases. Studies have shown that patients who consumed more fruits and vegetables in just 8 weeks reduced blood pressure.

 Proper nutrition for a healthy heart


Almonds and other nuts - a source of mono and polyunsaturated fats, which not only reduce total cholesterol Cholesterin  Cholesterin
   in blood, but also increase the level of high density lipoprotein, or so-called "good" cholesterol. In addition, almonds contain phytosterols - plant sterols, which normalizes the bowels due to the absorption of all types of fat. In 2003, American studies have shown that the drink twice daily food containing at least 0, 4 grams of plant sterol can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease.

The only drawback of almonds and other nuts - big calorie, which is why every day should eat only small amounts of nuts.

 Proper nutrition for a healthy heart


Salmon and other fish - an indispensable source of omega-3 to effectively reduce the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system by lowering blood pressure, prevent blood clots and strengthening the walls of the arteries.

Omega-3 helps to normalize heart function, significantly reducing the risk of a blood clot. It is believed that the use of fish once or twice a week can reduce the risk of heart disease by 30%.

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