Being pregnant, you should clearly understand that everything you do reflects on your body. Some products are really adversely affect the growth and development of your unborn baby. On what foods and ingredients should refrain during pregnancy?
Fish certain
Eating fish and seafood in general is very good for the health of the future mother and baby. However, some fish contain high levels of mercury, which is a serious cause for concern.
This group includes swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish or grebnegolov: in them the mercury concentration is high enough and the meat consumption of these fish has a very detrimental effect on the developing fetus.
It is not forbidden to eat canned tuna, but in small amounts, not more than 340 g per week. But it should be remembered that mercury in tuna is still present, albeit in small quantities.
Raw or cooked held insufficient food
Eating raw, undercooked or poorly-cooked foods can be harmful to health, and not just during pregnancy.
Not properly cooked food poses a potential threat to the health and development of your unborn baby.
Naturally, during pregnancy you should not give up land
Sushi - Japanese delicacy
Oysters and shrimp or roasted meat entirely, but before you eat these dishes in food, make sure they have been exposed to sufficient heat treatment.
This rule applies not only not brought to the required willingness fish or meat, and this also applies to products made of dough. Make sure the cake or cookies, fully ready, let it cool, and only then eat.
Unpasteurized products
For products that are not desirable to use during pregnancy include some cheeses, especially those that contain unpasteurized milk.
These types of cheese are brie cheese, feta, blue cheese and camembert.
It is also desirable to avoid unpasteurized juices and eating raw eggs.
If the label you will see that the product contains unpasteurized ingredients or have suspicions on the fact that something like that may be present within the package that you hold in your hands, it is better to refrain from buying. You can re-enable the food in the diet of this kind, but after the birth of the child.
If you can not live a day without dairy products, it is best to buy homemade cheese, skim milk or cheese mozzarella
Mozzarella: an authentic Italian taste
Even if you buy a hot dog or a ready-made cold appetizer
Appetizers: from cutting up lettuce
Make sure that it is fresh and properly cooked. Wash fruits and vegetables before you are going to eat them raw or in any other form. Remember that when you use dirty or not properly cooked foods, the risk of infection by pathogenic bacteria is large enough.
- If you doubt the usefulness of food that you eat or are not sure whether there is a particular product during pregnancy, consult a specialist.
- Always carefully study the composition of the finished dish, or you purchased semi-finished product. If you have any doubts about a particular product, make a list of ingredients and foods that cause you fear and be sure to show it to a specialist. An experienced doctor will always give you good advice and help to choose the optimum nutrition program.
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