 Wrap the screens Russian detectives learned quickly, it is worth while to recall the "Streets of Broken Lights", "stopping power", "Secrets of the investigation" and the film adaptation of Marina and the Series. Detective series has turned from mediocre to good, and at times - is nonsense.

Then the TV somehow lost interest in law enforcement and has more to show melodramas and militants. But sooner believe that the detective series so easily lose ground, all the more so in this case, the number gradually grew into a quality, to which the notorious "Carmelita" and "wedding rings" like the moon.

 "Zhurov": ridiculous investigator

Typical investigator?

Clumsy nervous type Ivan Zhurov not associated with the image of a brilliant investigator. It is, as they say, weirdo. Single, slightly disheveled, is not averse to drink once again, then stumble, then catch hold of something, it will get to the issues. Not too it is experiencing, and for the honor of his uniform, and public opinion is worried about his last. Why is that?

Zhurov brings to the Russian reality the American model of behavior. He almost Colombo, but adapted to the environment in which is located. Detective, behaves inappropriately, it seems, if not mentally retarded, the neurotic, impudent, causing surprise and embarrassment in others - the variation of the image are present in many American detective. In Russia, until recently cranks preferred to leave aside and certainly not put at the head of a fictional investigation.

 "Zhurov": ridiculous investigator

Life and consequence

 However, Zhurov charming, talented, purposeful. He may look like he likes, he can behave unacceptably, but his colleagues are well aware that you can trust Zhurova any case he handles it. It has excellent performance of detection that always helps when dealing with the authorities, and not feel the sympathy for him is difficult. Zhurov, with all its eccentricities, ostentation, gives the impression of a vulnerable, almost helpless before the cruelty of the world. Among other things, he is a father - a single, raising a teenage daughter that adds to the vulnerability in the eyes of friends.

Thunderstorm criminals and stern lawyer travels to a glorious city Zadolsku on an old "Victory" that has experienced more than put a decent car. Opens Zhurov complex complicated cases, is anyone who does not want to live honestly, and in fact difficult it often helps daughter - the Council, the case. Along the way, desperately trying to please a colleague Natalia Feofanova, but his methods is a complex event almost never ending success.

 "Zhurov": ridiculous investigator


In the role of Ivan in the series he made a brilliant actor, able to draw on myself almost every series, - Andrey Panin. Zhurov, of course, got his signature antics, but this is excusable, and it is in the character of the hero. Natalia Feofanova, inaccessible and beautiful colleague Zhurov plays Olesya Sudzilovskaya. Actress screen illuminates his appearance and pleases in the few scenes where she is. The role of the daughter Xenia Romenkova Zhurov performed. In other roles in the TV series starring Julia Rutberg, Elena Safonova Tatyana Rudina, Victor Rybczynski, Pauline Syrkina, Galina Polish, Natalia Kochetkova, and others.

The series is different from the other excellent cast and an attempt to return to the classical detective story, in which the action is slow, and the investigator comes to the knowledge of who the perpetrator through the logic and knowledge and not by forensic advances, skirmishes or forced confessions. This series describes the Russian capital is far from the reality, and the life of a small provincial town, where people sometimes live, sometimes survive. An amazing combination manner of conducting foreign characters and plot, applied to the Russian reality, in practice it works and gives a good detective series.

Anna Chizh

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