Lima, Peru - organized, sometimes cheerful, sometimes sad. Strictly between us, it can be characterized as "Hurricane" and not a woman, as Angie Cepeda, the main character of "Chertёnka" ready to fight anyone, only to the wonderful world of show business is not devoured it.

From Cartagena, in Peru

There is only one way to tell a girl, born in Cartagena de Indias and at an early age who had left the place. She can not stop loving the sea, every day feel that the friends she becomes less and less go to the gym, and dream of new horizons.

Angie Cepeda never rearranging feel Angelica Maria Cepeda Jimenez. Even when she became a star after the success of the series "Las Juanas" and when, one day, she left Peru without being confident in the future. It is day after day she fought for the role, and swore that she would never act in telenovelas.

She burst into the center of America Television, like a hurricane, Kojima is actually dressed in the same outfit pale blue, which previously worked. Nothing extravagant, anything under black glasses, nothing of the stars on the face of any reproach. "Hello, hello! How are you all here?" - It is time to speak, giving the audience a hot kisses his short smile on your face before you go up the stairs.

There, in America Television, its all love and know. It is more than - the actress who sells his appearance. His star status it has confirmed with "Luz Maria" and secure when Peruvian theater filled with people eager to see her in "Pantaleon y las Visitadoras" - a film in which she starred with Salvador del Solaro, its partner in the "Chertёnku."

- Why are you accepted the offer to play in the "Chertёnke"?

- Because "imp" - a story full of humor. I was allowed to play far from innocent girl who is constantly crying, so I had a lot to say. At Fiorella Morelli, was the name of my character, has its own life, it is a person like any other girl of my age. For me, that's fine - to be able to laugh with her, despite the fact that it was a very serious statement.

- Tell us a little bit about his character.

- I paint myself Fiorello little "hippie", very fast, with an explosive temper and a fine parents. In this story, she meets a man who is in excellent physical shape, has the money, he is intelligent, and it literally blinded him. Fiorella marries him and begins to experience a lot of new things, such as, for example, traveling, learning new, hitherto her to come back ... then he dies and life changing. This can happen in real life, the story seems quite likely. There are materialists able to fight all but in order to get their hands on the inheritance. Going through this life, they will never forget about wealth.

- Before you go to Peru, you said you did not find the telenovela, which would you completely captivated. Now, when you shoot in doubt wonderful roles, you do not miss the old times?

- Of course, there are days when I was tormented by nostalgia. I find it hard to get used to the changes I have seen there are many differences, so at first I had a lot of doubts and hours when I wanted to go back. In Colombia, not everything I did was perfect. To be honest, I can say one thing - here everything is more or less well. I'm not used to have counselors on hand and more care about how the crew, but not about my game, about the scenarios that allow you to speak up for what you really believe about situations that may occur. Work during the year - it's a completely different rhythm.

- You made that peacefully coexists with his career? After all, the genre of drama is not enough truth to fight with you, and besides, the glory has a price, which you have to pay ...

- If you tell me, then we'll never arrive at a consensus (laughs). Of course, basically a melodrama - a fiction, invented a lot of sense here. But I must admit that the telenovela exist only because their audience is looking. I never had dreams of becoming a heroine of telenovelas, although the game was present in my life since that time I went to college. I always feel the energy within themselves and to this beast I used to, although I have never been clear clarity of who I really was.

- This is your charm, but do not have in your life the days when you just want to be Angelica Maria Zepeda?

- Of course, the actress profession has its negative sides. For example, if one day something I passionately wish, for example, to buy a few pairs of shoes, what I was given only half an hour - it is logical that I was exasperated when I feel myself on the views of others. But it is also true that I was able to handle it. When I find the melancholy, I feel this Crank - I was in a certain place, and it seems to me, that I consider the whole world. And yet, today at 8 am I was in the gym and could not get rid of the views of others, because of what had to make triple efforts. "And where is Angie Cepeda?". "She is here". Oh no! When it happens to me something unexpected, I do not care, but when it happens in my daily life and I can not be calm in any place - it's awful.

Irina Grushin

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