Twenty-two actresses Life does not stand still. Recently, she finally broke up with her lover Mauricio Mattar and once lit up in the pages of Playboy. This year, Deborah fully renounced the image of girls simpleton, in one fell swoop turned into a kind of volcano sensuality. It has become a blonde, she lost 11 kg and increased breast. She successfully develops artistic career, a lot of fans, but in the personal life of Deborah is not so smooth. In 2001, the actress broke up with 39-year-old director Rogerio Gomes after three years of marriage. Soon after that Secco began an affair with 38-year-old actor Mauricio Mattar (as we can see, the actress prefers to men much older than themselves). Their relationship lasted for almost a year and ended last month, with the scandal. Mauricio says that the gap was due to the fact that Deborah was fascinated by others. The very same actress denies it, saying: "Now I'm alone, but very happy."

You appeared on television at the age of 12 years, and now turned into a real sex bomb. It is difficult to you was given such a transition?

Yes No I do not sex-bomb. When I started my career at all I believed that'll never be one of those actresses whose beauty is admired. I just bring to their roles sensuality, sexuality. For example, the Iris of "family ties", which danced in front of the mirror negligee.

You are having any doubts about the proposal to appear nude in a magazine?

No. I'm not going to be hypocritical about it - I posed for "Playboy" for the money. What's the big deal? In the series "Suave Veneno" I already had to shoot nude, but Globo paid a much smaller amount than "Playboy." The series looked a lot more people than a magazine. Why do I, which saw almost all of Brazil, may not show the same thing in the magazine and at the same time earn some money. If it was something indecent, I would have hid itself is an enigma, but in this case - I just show people what they've seen.

Do you consider yourself beautiful?

I can say for sure - I'm not the most beautiful woman in the world. If I'm in a public place such as a restaurant, pay attention to me because I'm famous. And the man thinks that meets not only with an attractive woman, and first of all that it is Deborah Secco ...

Famous women difficult to find a mate?

No, I have never had a problem with it. Next to me had a lot of decent men, but between us there were obstacles, the relationship evolved wrong but I'm sure even find your soul mate.

They do not meet your needs? So you left them?

Why just - did not meet! I understand that nobody is perfect, but I'm not looking for an ideal. Just at some point there comes disappointment and we parted. Someone I left, someone me. This is normal.

Your love affair with Mauricio Mattar ended, he said, because of the fact that you fell in love with another. You did not like to hear these accusations?

No, it's for me does not matter. In my life there are more important things. And for them I would like to think and talk.

But, unfortunately, it turned out to be involved in other people. Rumor has it that your new lover - Marcos Paulo - the director of the telenovela in which you are now removed and that he recently broke up because of you with Flavia Allesandro.

From this I was not alone. When began to appear false information, I only dealt with the fact that denied it, now I do not want to talk about his personal life.

These rumors do not interfere with you in collaboration with Flavio and Marcus Paulo?

Absolutely not interfere. We had a great relationship and we do not pay attention to the various rumors.

This is not the first time that falls on you so much attention from the press?

Yes, it was when I broke up with Rogerio Gomes. But now I have learned to protect themselves from it.

You are alone?

I do not have a lover, and when he appears, I personally informed about this. But solitude did not inconvenienced. Love is sure to come, I was never long in solitude Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?  Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?
 . Now I am happy.

Do you dream of getting married?

I always wanted to find a man with whom spend life. I've always liked romantic stories. My favorite movie - "Pretty Woman." I am also waiting for the prince on a white horse.

Want children?

I love children. But now I'm not ready to be a mother.

In your life, it has already had a great love?

I've had a few. Generally I'm one of those people who always falls in love for real, and every time a lifetime.

You lost weight by 11 kilograms. How do you manage it?

In the past year I have had hormonal problems, because I started taking birth control pills Birth control pills - how effective are they?  Birth control pills - how effective are they?
 . For a month I gained 11 kg. Also, I really like to eat. She sat on a diet, do special exercises and lost all collected kilos in four months.

For the role of Laura in "Kiss of the Vampire," You have become a blonde. Do you like the new look?

I just accepted the terms of the producers. When the shooting is over, I have a greater desire to shave nalyso, because I not only color, but also increase hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development

Are you conceited?

With regard to the profession - Yes. I know how difficult it is to act when you are always thinking about how to do so, to go out on the screen is not as thick and takes various poses, which appeared to hide the tummy or tselyullit.

What makes you happy?

Life in all its manifestations. Some time ago I said to myself, I'll be fine. They can do anything to ruin my life, but they will not succeed. I'll be happy, I deserved it.


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