Gabriela Duarte does not want to appear on television as a gentle baby girl, who was crying on his chest by his mother Regina Duarte - one that it is in real life. "I'm a calm person and now I would like to play a character that would be different in character from myself" - says the actress.

The "Hope", the new series Benedito Ruy Barbosa, it will change radically. Her character, Fransezinya be a prostitute. She will not listen to mom. By creating this image, the actress was looking for inspiration from the classic characters in the movie. "I'm all covered by such films as" Belle de Jour "," Nights of Cabiria, "especially keen Madame Hortense my favorite from the movie" Greek woman Zorbo "" - says the actress.

What is the Fransezinya?

As long as I know very little about the character, because it only appears in the series starting with the thirtieth series. I know what it is - a prostitute who goes to Brazil in the post-war thirties. I am waiting and preparing for the role. I am pleased to have been invited to participate in this work. It's very different from what I've done on television before. So I wanted to surprise the audience.

How did you get the invitation to the role?

Luiz Fernando Carvalho, director of the series, called me to talk to me and spend listening. She felt that the role of becoming more conventional: Gabriela - the professor, a girl from society ... Then Louis told about Fransezine and said that I would have liked for this role. I did not know what was going to develop it Benedicto. He asked me if I could wait a little longer. "Of course" - I replied. It was a challenge, an excellent character returning to television. Fransezinya became the second prostitute, whose role I play. At the end of last year, I starred in Paulo Tiago "dress", is based on the poem by Carlos Drummond de Andrade "The case with the dress." Played Barbara, a girl who was destroying the marriage.

In the play "Honor", in which you played with her mother, you also played the role of destroyer of families.

It was a different role. Claudia - a woman (sighs) Which stands on feet (sighs again)   and enters.

The first production of the play you were my daughter. On the second - the mistress of the husband of his mother. How was that experience?

I saw my mother at the rehearsals, and fell in love with the text. So, I played the role of the daughter. But in the end, Carolina Ferraz, who played the role of Claudia, had to leave and I asked to have my changed role.

Implementation of these different roles and was a way to change the image of the good girl?

I do not know ... They do not like me, so it is very attractive for an actor. This character - a Disneyland! Amusement park! In addition, I am very curious person. Looking personality attracted me. I am trying to figure out what caused someone to designate a certain way, to develop its own position. I've been doing this for a very long time. Despite all the differences, all of these characters have a part of me. But to create an image of the character is very painful. Barbara, a prostitute from "Dress" for example,
It was very difficult for me.

Why is that?

When creating your character, I pulled away from my friends. The shooting took place in Rio, Belo Horizonte and in the Pantanal. Whole story! I'm living in Sao Paulo. Here I have my house, this is my city. And I was far from thinking and creating a psychological image of your character.

It's true that you do not want to come back to television again to play with her mother?

Not everything was so strict, but in general, it is true. The last three works I did with my mother. And working with her I did not want. Since then, as an actress, I knew that I would conflict with my mother. It happened in the series "In the Name of Love", a remarkable series Manoel Carlos. Later, we played in the miniseries "Shikin Gonzaga", where we are confronted each other until the final scene. I think that the role of the completed cycle. In the end, we did not antagonists teledramaturgii.

Victor Carriers

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