Currently, she is the most popular star of Brazilian television, appearing on the covers of almost all the national magazines. Giovanna Antonelli, who plays Jade in the series studio "Globo" "Clone" is famous for its beauty and naturalness.

Let's talk about the exterior of Jade. In the second part of the telenovela you made her character more beautiful. How did you do it?

At the beginning of the series I had to play a young girl, almost a girl. Now, I play the role of a woman thirty years. Frankly, 50% of the exterior of Jade - this is my interpretation of her character, and another 50% - hair, makeup and costumes.

There is a special feature of the new Jade?

Yes, the new make-up is much more expressive and brighter, I did, "Oriental eyes." In the first part, I almost did not use paint, and now - it's become an integral part of the character.

Let's talk about Morocco. Did you have difficulty adapting? The skin is not damaged? After all, there is a very bright sun.

No particular problems have arisen. My skin and hair were never perfect, so I adapted pretty quickly to the climate. In addition, Morocco is very dry climate, had a lot to drink, and the skin of it only gets better. In Brazil, the air is too dirty and wet, did not want to drink. A pity, it helps the skin.

You met with Moroccan women? How do they care about their appearance?

Men and women in Morocco is completely isolated from each other. Women appear in the streets, wrapped up from head to toe, but they are constantly using makeup. At home, they look great. In this culture, a woman must be beautiful for her husband, but not for others like us.

You have used artificial tanning?

Yes, eight times. I do not like this procedure, however, it was necessary to work in the telenovela.

What is your skin type and how you take care of her?

I have normal skin, but the lack of water balance, so try to keep it on the level. Apply make-up to secure the mask before going to bed. I do not use cleaners, because my skin does not need them.

Does your skin special care in summer and winter?

Yes, winter skin dries much, so you have to use a moisturizer. And on the face and the body.

Type your hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   and how you care for them?

Normal hair. I wash them in a day and no more treatments. It is not like beauty salons Beauty, from hairstyles to krioliftinga  Beauty, from hairstyles to krioliftinga
   - Not enough patience. Is that the experts in the studio ("Globo") try.

You seem very practical man.

It is this and I have! I do not like complicated things. And I try to make their lives as easy as possible.

You somehow protects against soffit and air-conditioning in the studio?

Actually soffits very negatively affect the skin. Especially on the face. But when you work on a role, you forget about it, there is no time to be protected.

Your profession is stressful. How do you deal with them?

I am trying to find peace in your soul. People just have to learn to live in the new situation, stresses all around us every day.

How do you eat? You vegetarinka?

No. I eat all they like, but no frills. I do not overeat. Very much I love chocolate. Not a day passes that did not eat chocolate.

How many times a day do you eat?

Twice as a rule. And sometimes once is enough

Favorite food?

Rice, beans, bun with grilled steak Cooking steak  Cooking steak
 , Fried potatoes (laughs)

Coffee in the morning?

Only occasionally, on weekends. But I love him very much. And yogurt too.

Charging is doing?

No, I just do not have the patience. If you can, then do some exercises at home, I swim in the pool. But to go somewhere in the class - thank you.

Now very popular plastic surgery, silicone. Ever interested in such things?

Until now, me things were not needed. If the time comes when I feel the need to correct the appearance, perhaps I resort to the services of surgeons. People should be happy and satisfied with their appearance, this is important.

What you now need to?

Perfumes, lotions, moisturizing skin cream for removing makeup, toothbrush, air conditioning.

What kind of spirits do you prefer?

Ultraviolet by Pacco Rabanne. But I often change their addiction

We can not ask Giovanna few questions about her personal life and professional career, her favorite actors and relations with the public.

Are you Italian?

My family - natives of Italy. From a very famous Italian province.

Are you married?

Yes, for four years

You have children?


What is the feeling of the most popular Brazilian actress? Your face flashed on the covers of popular magazines of the country.

I fought a lot to achieve this. My career developed slowly and only in the last few years I had the chance to express themselves in the theater and on television. This is the result of a lot of work and not a gift of fate

You owe their popular telenovela "clone", is not it?

I'm a very strong woman of great charisma. It seems to me that this is a very difficult story, telling several stories. Our characters live in different cultures, which face each other. Sometimes events in the series resemble the climate in Morocco - the same hot.

At the moment you're shooting in the new film?

Yes, in the movie "Avassaladoras". Directed by Mara Moore. I play a woman uncertain, scary experience their failures. This is the story of four friends who excelled in their professional careers, but their personal life and has not developed. My heroine Laura is looking for his magical prince who would give her what she wants more than anything else - true love. But she has only her friend with whom she shares the joys and sorrows. The film tells the story of meetings and partings. It sklepok our life, in which all who are looking for something. It is very difficult to find your soul mate. And my character even appealed for help to a dating agency (laughs). Actually, it's a romantic comedy.

After the end of "clone" in a telenovela will be shot?

Before the shooting is still far. In addition, I now have three film projects. I learn a script, but can not say anything concrete. Frankly, I do not really like to do two jobs at once. If I devote myself to the movies, the television will have to wait. And vice versa. But I really like to work in telenovelas.

How do you spend your free time?

Like all normal people (laughs). Shopping

But what about the public?

Difficult question. If you have to choose, I think I'll give up their profession. I like to be a normal woman, to be close to people walking the streets. I try to lead a normal life.

But fans get?

I'm gradually getting used to, that I was paying attention. Especially now.

What is your favorite actress?

A lot of them. Adre Beltran, Malu Mader, Claudia Abreu, Farnanda Torres, Drik Moraes, Helena Renaldi, Regina Duarte, Suzana Vieira, I do oboschat. And many, many others.

And the actor?

Leonardo Villar, walls Garcia, Antonio Fagundes, Marco Nanin, Murilo Benicio and others.

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