• Hyanella Neira. Peruvian beauty conquered Argentina
At home, she was recognized star. Over her shoulder - experience model, eight roles on television, in the movies two and three in the theater (one of which - the role of Anna in "The Cherry Orchard"). But to stop there - not in its rules. Her motto -Never give up and always go forward. For this she is ready even at risk. But as they say, nothing ventured - nothing gained. And it risks ... to leave his home, a family, a successful career, she goes to another country to conquer new heights. And she did it. Today we can say with confidence, repeating the words of Facundo Arana, that "in Argentina Hyanellu like nothing less than at home."

Choosing a foreign actress for the lead role in the project, expected in 2001, the creators of the series "Yago, pasion morena" also went to some risk. The fact that Argentina has traditionally been considered a country where the emphasis is on their own actors and TV shows of domestic production. A foreigner to break into the local market is very difficult. Unlike other Latin American countries, where inviting foreign actors - very common practice in the country on their own cost. The exception, perhaps, was the telenovela "Amor latino" ("Wings of Love"). But, as we know, it failed at the box office success, partly because of the dominance of foreign stars on the screen. In addition, the import of foreign programs is also small, and the rating of the usually not very high (except, perhaps, the Colombian hit - the telenovela "Betty ugly").

The appearance Hyanelly Argentina reacted quite cautiously, especially since she had to play with the popular favorite Facundo Arana. "How is it - resented by many - that we, its beauties little ?!"

The actress admits that her assailed by doubts over whether it will be there in Argentina .  Although at the time of the decision it seems to have acted more in the dictates of the heart than the mind .  Here's how Hyanella she remembers about it in a television interview: "One day I had lunch with the director and screenwriter, working in the Telefe (at the moment the actress was filmed on this channel in several series" Buenos Vecinos "), and they told me about their new project .  They talked and talked, and I just put the phrase "Yes, great! Interesting story" .  And then they suddenly asked, as if I wanted to play the main character .  I said, "Excuse me, what? I? Are you for me?" That evening, we met again, they said they want to sign a contract with me that I would be removed from Facundo .  I said, "Okay," we shook hands .   Sitting in my room (it was about four o'clock in the morning), I suddenly began to realize what had happened - I had agreed to star in the title role in Argentina .  "Mom-and-and-and-and, - I yelled into the phone - do you think I'm crazy ?!"

Now fears are left behind. In Argentina Hyanellu loved so they do not want to let go and urgently looking for her groom her to stay permanently.
As its just not called: the angel, and the goddess, and sex-bomb, and the most beautiful brunette Argentine television. Hyanella itself admits that does not feel like a star. It applies to all the enthusiastic speeches with irony and says that the best part of her body - a nose.

Partner actress - Facundo Arana fascinated by it as everyone else, and never tires of extolling its virtues. "Hyanella - an angel. It is impossible not to love her and admire her. She -ocharovatelnaya girl, a wonderful person, a wonderful actress and a great honor for me to work with her" - he says.

I think it's time for us to get to know the one who can be called the most popular actress 2001 Argentine television. (Magazine "Gente" and called Hyanellu Facundo Arana "Persons of the Year", and their pictures, along with other holders of this honorary title will be placed on the cover of the New Year's issue of the journal).


When did your artistic career?

At 17 years of age. After high school, I wanted to devote himself to the study of Marine Biology. But as in Peru, I could not find a suitable for this institution, I decided to go to study in Chile. To save money for the trip, I began to work as a model. This takes about a year and then I was offered to lead a music program on television, and I agreed. I said to myself: "We must try, I lose nothing, at least look at the celebrities." After six months of work on television, I was invited to the casting for participation in the youth telenovela. Samples lasted two months, at the end I was told: "You are accepted and will play a major role." It was my first shooting. I do not know how to play. The director told me, "Get up here and try to cry as you can." I got up and tried to cry as she could. So it all started.

What was the name telenovela?

«Malicia». It was a great success in Peru. After that I decided to become an actress and started to learn. Now, when I look at myself in this novel, I get terrified. I played there - worse than ever, so incredibly grateful to those people who saw in me a talent and believe in me.

"YAGO ..."

You work for the first time in another country?

I participated in several projects, including in the Argentine series "Buenos Vecinos". But to leave for eight months in another country, and even star in the title role - for the first time.

It was not scary to leave the already well-established career in Peru and start all over again?

No, because when you feel that you cease to move forward, you need to do something, you need to take risks. I love my profession and I believe that I have a lot I can do.

Why did you decide to star in "Yago ..."? What are you most attracted to the offer?

Firstly, Argentina very high and the film acting as a whole. It - one of the countries where I wanted to shoot. Secondly, I really liked the story very dynamic story ... shooting in the jungle. And thirdly - I certainly attracted collaboration with Facundo Arana. I personally did not know him, but heard a lot about him as an actor. Have a number of good partner - a gift of fate. This does not always happen.

Do you like your character?

Yes, this is one of my favorite roles. None of the better I could not have dreamed. I'm madly in love this telenovela. It intertwined comedy and drama, for me it is new and very interesting. I am totally immersed in his character. My character - very vulnerable, fragile girl having quite controversial. She wants to appear strong, but inside is completely devastated. In love it grasped some setbacks. But she met with Iago, who is so unlike her, but that is what it attracts.


What do you know about Argentina before his arrival?

I was familiar with your cinema. I love Eliseo Subela. One of my favorite movies - "El lado oscuro del corazón". As for telenovelas, I watched everything, where she played Andrea del Boca.

How do you live here ?

I feel great. I did not expect that I will take with such warmth. I do not understand why people in Peru do not speak about the Argentines - they are wonderful and treat me well.

I rented an apartment in Palermo (prestigious area of ​​Argentina). The house is very nice, in the old style - I myself chose. I already have my place here. Not far from the house on the banks of the river there is a cozy cafe, where I often go, I like it very much.

When there's shooting, I'm nine and I come home around ten. I look through the script the next day, talking with friends, reading. Books - it's my passion. It is this training the soul. I just read a collection of Argentine poetry. In parallel, I have read Eastern philosophy and mythology is going to take over.

When filming there - first of all, I try to get some sleep. The fact that I am an absolute night owl. Retire at three o'clock in the morning and wake up somewhere in the afternoon - this is my dream. At night I wake up in the mad energy, I can read, talk, I come to mind are two different things. But, unfortunately, the world is living in another routine, and often have to get up early.

Another passion of mine - it dances. I love to dance. In Lima, there is a club in which I went at least twice a week, there was dancing till you drop, and then returned home tired and absolutely happy. Here I also use every opportunity to dance. One night in Misiones Facundo brought his saxophone and started to rock. What happened! All it immediately began to dance. We had a great time there. The hotel where the crew lived, every day we had parties with dancing. I once so natantsevalas that earned itself the blisters on his feet. I was afraid that would have to be removed in a wheelchair.

Your family stayed in Lima. Do you miss them?

Of course, but it's light sorrow. I know that they are happy that I'm fine. Then relatives and friends have developed a plan to save me from loneliness Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?  Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?
 . To me always someone coming: the mother, the brothers, the friends.

You want to go back to Peru?

I will always want to return home. But I chose my path in life, and for that we must learn to sacrifice something. I have decided to pursue their careers and improve myself as an actress, so I have to go forward. This is no time to stop.

Have you had offers to stay in Argentina?

Filming will end in December, and I already have offers and Argentina, and Venezuela, the United States, Peru. Wait and see. In any case, you will always be in my heart.

And you would be moved to our country, if you were offered?

I prefer not to think about it. There are so many possibilities ... Argentina - a great country with a great culture, but I do not want to rush things ... have to go step by step.

Foreign movies

Would you like to work in other countries, in addition to Latin America?

Of course, that would be wonderful.

And one of the directors would you like to shoot?

Sam Mendes (director of the film "American Beauty") and Roman Polanski.

But the latter quite scandalous reputation, and his films are quite severe ...

That is why I feel that for me it would be a big step forward.

Do you like violent movies?

The movie strife. The fact that I do not want to limit yourself to some frames to be in any one role. I would like to try a little of everything.

Why do so many actors prefer to play a negative role?

Well, because in such roles can you show yourself as you can not be in real life. It's so fun to do what you've never done before. For me to be an actress - how to play in something. But to portray a bad person - it is the most exciting game. Maybe because it leaves out the part of you that you usually try to hide.

So that if Polanski offered you the role of Mimi in the film "Bitter Moon", would you agree?

I think yes. The main thing for me to do a good job.

And how do you feel about to undress in front of the camera? Do you agree to this?

Yes, if the role deserves.

Read more SUCCESS

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