Kiefer Sutherland: Life in the rhythm of "24"
   Kiefer Sutherland, the Canadian actor who divides his life into two parts. The first, until 2001, there's drama "Stay with me", the young vamp-thrash "Lost Boys," "Dark City," "disappearance" "Young Guns," "renegades," "A Few Good Men," "Sight in the past, "" A Time to Kill, "a bad marriage with Camilla Kat and acquaintance with his second wife, parties, alcohol, fights ... In personal terms after 2001 almost nothing has changed, except that only became worse - another divorce, Christmas behind bars numerous legal charges. But career took off sharply, largely due to the participation in the TV series "24", a detective show unusual format: each season describes exactly one day in the life of special agent to combat terrorism Jack Bauer, who plays Kiefer Sutherland. By the way, Sutherland is now the highest paid actor on TV drama series. He gets $ 550,000 per episode.

  J -   Journalist

  KS - Kiefer Sutherland

  J: Are you satisfied with the return on the TV?

  KS:   I've never worked on TV.

  J: This is the first TV on your work?

  KS:   Yes.

  J: And you?

  KS:   Honestly, if you do not take differences in the classroom and in the perception of some things, work on the film was going  Kiefer Sutherland: Life in the rhythm of "24"
 a concert, and when it ends, it ends. A television project filmed and continue to take, that is the feedback already. This is for me something new. What do people think that their catches, which they do not understand, and that is clear - we have it all taken into account.

  J: It helps to reveal the nature and the rest?

  KS:   Yes, it's cool. And then 10 million viewers every night - in the movie is 150 million. Dollars a week. The game is worth the candle. As a professional, say, have the audience on a daily basis - it's a completely different level. The big difference from the movie I had not noticed. Neither Stephen Hopkins, nor I to this TV did not work, but the difference with the movie in the working process is not noticed. Given the duration of the project, most of the time we spend in front of the cameras. So, really, no difference.

  J: About you in Hollywood referred to as returnees, as well as talk about the triumphant return of John Travolta. About you for a long time no one had heard? What did you do?

  KS:   I took a timeout. I think that in the first year it was consciously. I needed a break, I wanted to rethink some films with his participation, to understand why I chose them, I tried to slow down. Last year, he reminded himself to some people (in business), and slowly began to get involved in the work. For two years I did not have any proposals. This year, in addition to the series, he starred in several films.

  J: So how?

  KS:   Not bad. I rested for a while, because I'm really tired. Worked a lot. Sometimes the movie did not turn out as desired. While the year was not filmed, I knew how to miss work. I tried to plan what's next (there was such a desire), but little came of it. I need to properly combine work and leisure. I am very grateful that after such a long break I was given the opportunity to go back and do what I really like.

  J: When you do not shoot your father, too, a very famous actor, you support? When you needed advice, whether it was one of those to whom you can say, "Can you hear me, I need some ways to understand"?

  KS:   Yes. Basically something like: "I could not have read the script and give their opinion? ". My parents tried not to interfere with that all important decisions concerning the actor's work, I have been alone. Successful actors from the very beginning of my career like that these decisions were only mine. It would be strange if I now began to ask them. But it happens, for example, when I did the "eye for an eye." I worked with John Schlesinger, my father was with him once filming. I remember I asked how to work with it. Of course, something his father could find. But for the most part, we did not talk about work.

  J: And that the proposal was such ...?

  KS:   What attracted me? The combination of so many things at once. Real-time format. Script, or rather, what you read it, actually almost nothing. As long as the hands, for example, Stephen Hopkins hand, will not explain how one moves to another scene, but it mainly concerns the movement. How to get from point A to point B - writers is difficult. But when Stephen Hopkins began to show it clearly, it becomes clear how well this format. I think it is obliged to picture the stress that it has. I really like my character so dynamic. I was also attracted to his competence, how thoroughly he knows what he's doing.

  J: Do not you think that it is emotional harm?

  KS:   Emotional damage? No, this is an ordinary man who was in a very unusual circumstances .  He has difficulties in marriage, why would you call everyone who is experiencing difficulties in marriage, called emotionally flawed .  They are 75% of all people on the planet .  No, he is not devoid of humanity .  And he's not a bad person .  There are also negative features, I like that the writers Joel and Bob, and was able to show them .  Something my character was doing right, what is wrong .  I think that for television, as I understand it, it was an interesting solution .  In all the time that I can remember, all on TV, for the most part, it was either white or black .  Well, what the nature of my character, the two tried to mix the paint .  Before, I did not have the opportunity to play such a character .  There is a dangerous age as the hero in the movie, when you're too old to play the graduate school or the student, or too young to be a real leader .  And here I have it finally appeared .  So you end up in that  Kiefer Sutherland: Life in the rhythm of "24"
 result is a character roles, beautiful and exciting. In the film "Eye for an Eye," "A Time to Kill" Joel Shulmeykera I played Ku Klux Klan. I brought down a very unpleasant characters, I risked getting stuck on them all, so my character was for me a wonderful chance to break out of this circle. For the first time in my career I'm a normal person.

  J: It is said that the stars at the site of a special relationship. On television, too?

  KS:   Yes and no. Yes, we really are different. Workers directors, electricians, all work very hard, with none of them have no van. No one brings them lunch because it is so arranged this business. The fact that the industry is kept on people who are in front of the camera. Hence, a special attitude to them. Is the movie on TV? No difference. Do I always have to be all right and proper? It is a long conversation.

  J: Did you see the show?

  KS:   Whereas.

  J:   A   on DVD will look?

  KS:   I am a fan of DVD, because in England, the show is not accompanied by advertising. Without advertising how quickly everything happens at the races, and the overall impression of the picture quite different, stronger. Like DVD, because it does not weaken the voltage steps. All the same as on the set

  J: But with Robert Downey Jr., you're friends, right?

  KS:   Yes, at one time we were very close, even lived together.

  J: When talking about him in the news, do not you think, "But we ought to give him a call and ask?" You are communcating?

  KS:   Yes, of course. Robert all very sympathetic. I think he did, to behave in this situation with dignity. And it's so hard. Robert is one of the most remarkable people I know. I think his fans are very for it through. Their sympathy was touching. I really am very happy that now he is doing well.

  J: That is, the actors are able to be friends?

  KS:   Without a doubt.

  J: And between TV or theater is a big difference? They say that the first theater, great art, then movies, then TV?

  KS:   That's why I did not work on TV before .  We talked about it with my father .  TV Actors starring in the movie, and film actors on television did not work .  Previously, you had no cable, no satellite .  And now we have more than 1000 channels available to any and all of them need to fill .  The boundaries are erased very quickly .  If I want to watch a movie with Paul Newman, I turn on the TV and watch a movie with Paul Newman .  I do not need to go to this theater .  I want to say this: "You want to see my work, I pay 7 . $ 5, go to the cinema, make an effort " .  The alternative - Turn on the TV " .  Reality is no longer .  If I want to watch a movie of my father, all you need to do - is to turn on the TV .  Between the actors have TV and film are no clear boundaries, without TV, the film is difficult to see .  A good example - George Clooney .  Ten years ago, this simply could not be .  A look at the TV series "The West Wing," "The Sopranos," "Sex and the City," "Ally McBeal" .  I think it's excellent work .  A "24" I'm really proud of .  Just start playing, and at some point you will not be able to say: "Yes, some things even better than many films that I like" .  TV gets competitive .  Of course, the competition has become more acute when there was a cable, and it is very good because a lot has improved the quality of programs .  It is now all that has changed, and at the beginning of my career I was against the work on TV, so there had never worked .  I can see how things have changed over the last 5 years, and this concerns not only the technical possibilities of television has changed and the viewer .

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