Leandra Leal was born in the family of the famous Brazilian actress Angela Leal. Since her father also had a direct relation to culture and the arts, all these factors could not but influence the career choices of young Leandro. "I was engaged in very early childhood and the drama played in the theater," - she says.

Help the mother was invaluable, although she tried to break through on their own. "At home I was a real actress and I studied, looked at her. We rehearsed together. And I do not think this is disgraceful. " Angela helped her daughter learn the dialogue and sometimes even correct them. However, some of the scenes involving the older daughter forced Leal greatly worried. Therefore Leander tries not to draw my mother to take part in the shooting.

Leandra Leal first appeared on screen in 10 years, when she starred in the youth series "Confissões de in Adolescente", and in the 13 years she has played in "adult" film "A Ostra e O Vento". When came the turn of "easy money" (Pecado Capital), through which the actress learned in Russia, the girl was only 16 years old, it was her third great work on television, and it is no longer perceived only as a daughter of Angela Leal. Leander was able to take his place in the acting niche. "I cultivate in my career", - she says.

I must say that before that Leander performed a small role in the TV series "unruly" (A Indomada). There, she played a young Helen, who later in life was playing the familiar series of "Tower of Babel" Adrian Estevish.
Successful role in the series "Explode Coração" and "A Indomada", a prize for her role in "A Ostra e O Vento" at the Film Festival in France - seemed not surprised the young actress.

"Thanks to my mother, I had known from childhood, that is success, and was ready for it," - says Leander, arguing that recognition of all the publications in the press did not bother her. "The success - something very relative - it is today, and tomorrow it is not. So I have enough sense not proud of it. "

"In my first series I had a very small role, but the main thing - I noticed, and in the second novel scenes with my participation was much greater."

In the "easy money" Leandro Klarelish heroine falls in love with Carlos (Eduardo Moskovish), fiance of his sister Lusine (Carolina Ferraz). "It was not difficult to play Klarelish because I myself at that time was a teenager. We do not look like it, but it still has something from me. This is natural, because playing, I almost get used to his character. " The fact that the "Mad Money" - a remake of the novel, filmed in 1975, did not bother the actress. She herself was born already after the film was shown for the second time in the early eighties. This is a completely new interpretation, she said, more real. "None of my friends have not seen the first film. The whole generation, which I think will be interesting to look at the new series. "

In addition to "easy money" we could see Leandro in the series "World of Women", where she played in one of the episodes along with Leticia Spiller and Marcelo Novaesom. But the movie it attracts much more.

Leander is not going to stop there. She attends drama school, where he studied acting, studying history of art, trains memory, is engaged in foreign languages ​​and ballet.

Dossier on Leandro Leal.

Full name: Leandra Leal Bras;
Date of Birth: September 8, 1982;
Height: 1, 70;
Weight: 60 kg;
Favorite Food: all natural;
Favorite drink: fruit juice Natural fresh juices  Natural fresh juices
Favorite fruit: pineapple;
Favorite movie: "Para o resto de nossas vidas";
Favorite book: The Dalai Lama - "How to be happy";
Perfume: Angel;
Color: blue;
What draws in people sincerity;
What is off: dishonesty;
What do you like in yourself: the ability to cherish the friendship;
Its disadvantages: restless;
Bad habits: biting his nails;
Favorite clothes: Jeans;
Favorite shoes: best barefoot;
Singer: Paulinho da Viola (Paulinho da Viola);
Singer: Marisa Monte (Marisa Monte);
Actor: Paulo Autran (Paulo Autran);
Actress: Marilia Pera (Marília Pêra);
Favorite role: Beatrice from the series "World of Women";
Beautiful woman: Louise Brunet model;
Handsome man: Antonio Fagundes;
He believes in God;
A place that will not forget: London;
Favorite Country: France;
What worries: violence in the country;
Favorite phrase: to be happy and to avoid shame;
The purpose of life: to find their place;
Mind and heart, the heart;
Passion: the profession.

Filmography Actress:

TV series
A MURALHA - 2000
MULHER - 1998-99, the
PECADO CAPITAL - 1998-99, the
EXPLODE CORAÇÃO - 1995-96, the



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