Lyubov Polishchuk
 Lyubov Polishchuk was born in Omsk, in a simple family: mother - a seamstress, my father - a builder. But in this atmosphere of nagging life difficulties grew a real "artist." She sang, danced, mimed before mirror and mimicked familiar. So called - Artist. And do not be surprised really, when at age 16 Love went to the capital, enroll in a theater Institute.

Moscow, as she expected, met the test of strength. On examination she was late, the reception ended. She returned to Omsk and asked to work in the Omsk Philharmonic. We took it right away. Director Philharmonic later said in an interview that she was extremely talented. AND then presented her with a gift of fate - the whole team was sent to study in Moscow, the All-Russia creative workshops pop art.

After a while Lyubov settled in the capital. At first my husband and Valery Makarov, then one - husband decided that only Life has made and returned home. The actress also was sure that everything in her life just beginning. And, putting the burden of responsibility and irreparable domestic difficulties began to conquer its summit.

She was accepted at the Capital Music Hall - and the actress immediately loudly declared itself in the "Red Arrow" is arriving in Moscow. " Then she began to work in the Moscow Theater of Miniatures. Touring months of the year was almost not 11. In towns and villages used to take for a son Lesha for which Love G. was both mother and father. The hotel rooms - diapers and rattles, beyond - the need to tightly get used to the image inspired flutter the stage and smile broadly. And yet - to prove to prove that you can and You will, and know how to do. Indeed, the one who first dubbed the actor sonorous name "actor" knew what he was talking about. "I've always wondered, as an actor, who broke his leg and could barely move in life, on stage suddenly begins dance ... It is such a profession, "- said Polishchuk Love itself.

The country discovered the actress Lyubov Polishchuk its debut the film "12 chairs". The famous "Tango Passion", which she performed with Ostap Bender proved fatal. Actress literally burst into cinema, without embarrassment and much deliberation by the door and without even tactful knock. But, unfortunately, on the set of the same episode Lyubov Polishchuk received a back injury that had plagued her chronic pain throughout later in life.

In 80 years, the actress is actively act in films. But because of the steep temper and intractability she often clashed with directors and guidance "Mosfilm". The result - a large role was not so much. The most famous - "Zmeelov", "Mystery" Blackbirds "," If you can, I'm sorry ... "" Aesop "and published in 1989" Intergirl "and" Love and Privileges ".

This rise was waiting for the actress in the '90s. Lyubov Polishchuk worked in the theater "School of Modern Play" and began to actively participate in projects private theaters and theatrical enterprises. The movie was revealed in full comedic talent actress - She shamelessly bullies in pictures Anatoly Eyramdzhana ("My sailor" "Womanizer," "The New Odeon", "impotent"), comedy by Vladimir Menshov "Shirley Myrli." Its heroine - "vamp with character clown" excessively active, bright, loud and unruly.

At the beginning of the new century, Lyubov starred in comedies "The agent in a miniskirt" and "Valentine's Day", played a major role in the movie by Eldar Ryazanov, "Still Waters" mother played the nurse in the popular Wiki TV series "My Fair Nanny". The latest film, which starred actress - "Love you, as a disaster." Not a comedy. Deep drama.

Lyubov Polishchuk died November 28, 2006. Only after this tragedy and journalists, and directors with one voice that nedolyubili underestimated. The directors complained that vengeance exploited comedic talent actress, drove her into the narrow confines of a noisy eccentric-foolish person and not spoiled dramatic roles. Yet national love actress yet received. And that means much more than belated assessment professionals.

Daria Petchorin

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