"Milagros" - another touching melodrama Delia Fyallo. Peruvian version of the beloved by many "Guadalupe." Both series based on the novel "Mother's telenovelas" Fyallo that (not without reason!) Is the guiding light that brings good luck, actors and directors in Latin America. True, the "soap-boiler" Peru clearly had no more money - or rather, they were very limited. That, of course, could not but affect the quality of the telenovela. Russian channel bought the rights to broadcast the series "Miracles", in turn stingy for a good dubbing, which did not improve the situation.

Take Two

The main roles in "Milagros" is not invited to the two most expensive second-class stars. Although it should be mentioned that the Venezuelan Sonia Smith, embodied on-screen image of the heroine of the series, is already familiar to those who saw the telenovela "ugly duckling", and her partner, a famous Mexican actor Roberto Mateos, has begun to shine in the starry sky as Santiago Porres, the main conqueror of "the Queen Hearts (for this role, he was awarded Best Actor Venezuela 1999).

Perhaps related to "Milagros" would have been different if it had not started almost immediately after the Guadalupe solved all their problems and attained the position of happiness. Now, most of the viewers, including those who are watching the suffering of the number two, is puzzled and asks why so NTV international emphasizes its attitude to the fans of soap operas. Like, all eaten. Even the two times in a row.

It is known that during the filming of this particular series from Sonja Smith began an affair with actor Paul Martin (Martin Bellido in the series), which is a lot of buzz Spanish-language media. They will have a lot of scenes together, and we can try to see in the eyes of the actors spark of true feelings.

Generally, in this telenovela I withdrew a lot of actors from different countries. Those who have seen the Mexican TV series "In the name of your love", easy to make out in a soft and docile wife Lucretia crime Nicholas, father of the main character traits, which also played Roberto Vander. This actor of Dutch origin, and usually it does not bind itself with respect to one of a Latin American country - it operates in Mexico, Venezuela, and now in Peru. And everywhere love - such a happy nature.

And the main villain of the series, Lucrezia, was quite colorful, thanks to the talent of Peruvian cinema and theater stars Yvonne Frayssinet. From time to time it allows itself to mischief as a telenovela to recall its existence to fans of this genre. Like her partner - Alberto Isola (Rafael de la Torre), with whom she plays it is not the first time. Meanwhile, Alberto is known in the theater world as a performer of the role of King Lear and Galileo. After this takeoff play rich, Exciting stories from the maids? Maybe anger Lucrezia was not so unjustified.

Two girls, two mothers

1980. Wedding in the family of a wealthy businessman Echevarria. Beauty Raquel (Mari Pili Barreda) marries another heir of a wealthy family, Munoz. She is happy, native, too, nothing portends trouble. Suddenly, on the estate penetrate the armed men. They shot at close range all those who had the misfortune to be there at that moment, sparing neither old men nor children. All the actions led by the gang leader nicknamed Jaguar (Reinaldo Arenas). After killing in front of the bride and groom all the relatives, he drags her into the bedroom and rapes. Flinging an unconscious victim, he and his associates left the house plundered and set fire to it, knowing that there were no survivors.

When he came to himself, Raquel in smoke and flame crawls up the stairs, where she comes to the rescue survived by sheer luck nephew of Jose Antonio. The boy hid until the bandits left, and then got out of his hiding place and walked among the bodies of relatives, hoping that someone else had survived. Jose Antonio Raquel helped to get out of a burning house. Unhappy aunt not to go crazy, giving vent to his hatred, planning revenge: Jaguar, being sure not to live Raquel opened her mystery - the murder ordered De la Torre to get rid of a companion and his heirs. Barely alive grief surviving Echevarria go away, vowing to return and take revenge on the villains.

At this time the family De la Torre is also a holiday - christening recently born twins - the Marcos and Sebastian. Lucretia (Yvonne Frayssinet), the happy mother had four children (she has two daughters), alone, talking on the phone with Jaguar - turns out it was the idea of ​​her order. Upon hearing that none of the Echevarria survived, cruel lady mercenary praises for the excellent work. All it hears Chichita (Sonia Smith), poor, very religious woman, worked as a servant in the house of De la Torre. She has an affair with the owner of the house Rafael (Alberto Isola), and she tells him about the role of Lucretia in the murder. Rafael shocked, neither he nor her husband Benjamin Munoz (Roberto Vander) did not even know that she had planned the crime, wanting to have their family with no one shared the company "Mistral" and thus became the sole owner of the wine industry in Peru. But how to give his sister ?!

Meanwhile, Chichita tells him another piece of news - she is expecting a baby. Rafael, though love expectant mother, is still not ready to be a father, he was afraid that the scandal and therefore asks a girl to have an abortion. Realizing that turned out to be a scoundrel lover, Chichita runs away from home and finds refuge in the monastery. She has a daughter, that at the behest of his mother be named Milagros ("Miracle"). After birth, the condition Chichity rapidly deteriorating, and, realizing that death is close, unhappy mother asked the nuns to give then a girl medallion that once gave her Rafael, but in any case not report Milagros name of the person who abandoned it before birth .

Raquel arrived with Jose Antonio to New York, giving birth to a daughter from Jaguar, which gives the name Melissa. Raquel deliberately got rid of the child, believing that child abuse will remind her every moment of revenge ...

Twenty years later,

Twenty years have passed. Chichity daughter, Milagros Vargas (Sonia Smith) has grown to become like two drops of water similar to the mother, unlike her only hair color Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   and the fact that since the birth of limp .  It is the same kind and pure soul, the same faith in the holy Milagro .  Arriving at the age of 20 in Lima, she settled in the guest house and finds true friends - Mariano Avalos (Maria Pia Ureta) and Silvia Zapata (Nadia Berdichevsky) .  She works in a puppet theater, and once in the supermarket girl accidentally collides with a man who went out of her like a dream .  He is Jose Antonio Echevarria (Roberto Mateos), who now lives under the name Jose Antonio Gomez and Wilson does not know, whose daughter is a girl that he liked .  Together with Raquel it implements a plan of revenge .  Something they've managed - Jose Antonio became a lawyer and assistant of Lucretia, she trusts him .  In recent years, the lady is very angry with Raphael - he almost pushed her from the cases, solving all alone in the company of "Mistral" .  Sister once again resorted to the services of hired killers, and their "help" Rafael gets in a car accident . 

Dying, he asks his lawyer and friend Gerardo Bellido (Juan Vitali) found Milagros and bring her to the house of De la Torre, and he points out in his will, that it can be declared only in the presence of his daughter. Rafael had long since repented and not once regretted that once abandoned her child, but the accident prevented him succeed in search. After the death of his friend Gerardo unable to meet with the girl. Most of all, it angers Lucretia, who, as it turned out, nothing to gain from his brother's death. She tells the children that their uncle had an affair with the maid, who bore him a daughter. Children are not thrilled. They can understand - if a mother is difficult to grow a normal person. Over all it was possible Sebastian (Gonzalo Revoredo), whose life was made unbearable Lucretia. She adored his twin brother Marcos. He died, and since then the mother brings forth Sebastian talk about it.
Fernando is the bridegroom millionaire (no one knows what really ruined his family) named Renzo Malatesta (Fabrizio Aguilar), but to see it can not, as in love with Jose Antonio. Once upon a time Lucrezia was having an affair with a lawyer Gerardo, Fernando - the fruit of their secret love, but it will be known immediately. Fernanda preconfigured against unknown cousin. She and her sister Lucia (Virna Flores), says that she has no right to live in their home, it is no match for them. Lucia is in love with the son of a lawyer, Martin (Paul Martin).

An eye for an eye

Lucretia twice tried to get rid of Milagros using the murderers, but then she had to abandon the plan, as Gerardo commissioned by Raphael in this case should be referred to the police a letter from which all would know about her crimes.

The mansion Milagros met with Jose Antonio, and so does not like that she - the daughter of the enemy. Lucretia furious: bequest a few percent of the company's shares are now owned by a lawyer Bellido, expensive and very valuable paintings were the husband of Lucretia Benjamin, maid Paloma (Milena Vasquez), daughter of Margaret (Anna Cecilia Nutter), that was a friend Chichity, Rafael left the money to study at the university, and everything else, including the estates, the company and the house went to Milagros.

Fernanda marrying Renzo, went on a honeymoon.
Milagros is going to follow suit, but because of the intervention of Raquel (Malena Elias) their marriage with Jose Antonio fictitious (crown them the priest was an actor). For newlyweds monitors Jaguar, which is quite desperate Lucretia, deciding to take a chance, he gave orders to kill all the same Milagros. Hearing him, Raquel herself deals with murderers and rapists, pushing him off a cliff.

On the day of return from their honeymoon Fernanda How to save on wedding travel  How to save on wedding travel
 , Lucia decided to commit suicide by jumping from a window. She was not herself after one of the overheard conversation discovered that perhaps is the daughter of his beloved father, a lawyer Bellido. Lucia had the surgery and in the hospital, she learns that it was about Fernando.

Martin operated on Milagros, freeing it from lameness. She is happy, but here is another joy - Milagros learns that would soon become a mother. My husband is also very pleased, although it was very hard to communicate about this aunt who overcomes more paranoia. Rachel insists that Milagros had an abortion, pressing on his nephew as he desperately does not leave his wife. Overwhelmed by his betrayal Milagros know that their wedding Wedding - it is worth it to hurry up?  Wedding - it is worth it to hurry up?
   too, was a lie. She finds the strength to start a new life.

Milagros becomes self-confident secular lady, in a bunch gathers her long hair, changes modestly blouses and long skirts to elegant suits. She - the other. And the new Milagros intends not only to divorce Jose Antonio, and deprive him of his parental rights ... However, make no mistake - true love will prevail, and the villains will be punished.
Irina Grushin

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