Olga Prokofiev
 Business Card actress Olga Prokofiev - the role of Joan Arkadyevna in the TV series My Fair Nanny. But Olga did not like her heroine - it ironic and optimistic, soft and feminine wise. The most an important human quality finds kindness and shock the audience prefers Only creative works on stage and in film.

At the beginning of a creative way to experience the life of Olga decided to Strength - Do not give up, will be held there. After high school, the future actress, as well as I wanted, went to enter the theater ... and failed. But the experiment with test failed - Olga barriers simply do not notice. She settled accountant on television and waited patiently for the next entrance exams.

And a year later the student was enrolled in GITIS on Directing Department. Its leader and inspirer was Andrei Goncharov. The result of training - the diploma and a brilliant performance diploma "Tomorrow Was war. " Her role as a teacher, a middle-aged woman in a dull baggy suit It was highly praised by critics. And then followed by an invitation Goncharova Play Theater. Mayakovsky.  Olga Prokofiev

So Olga once tied his life to the theater this year He has completed twentieth season. She wins back about ten performances per month. Her fans can see the actress in productions of "A plague on both Your home, "" Banquet, "" Divorce is like a woman "," Synthesizer Love "," Six favorite. "

Accumulated some experience in theater, Olga began to learn a new field of activity for themselves. Now it can be seen not only on stage, but also on the screens. In 1991, Olga starred in Andrew A. Eshpaja "Humiliated and insulted". "I thought: all in front, wait, I have not I played enough in the theater. I was so densely populated, that I was satisfied. Although ... Of course, over the years, I began to realize that it is time to more play a movie: it's interesting. Another genre, another existence. "

For a while, Prokofiev fell out of the actor's life and It takes at least creative thing - taking care of the newborn son. Incidentally boy in six years, he made his debut on the stage of drama theater in the present, "Adult" play "Mrs. ministersha." Professional growing!

But in 2004, she starred in the TV series for the jackpot Cinderella and Children of the Arbat. A year later - in the series Adjutants of love. To work on art picture joined in shooting series. Roles were though minor, but still bright, elegant and, certainly important.

His most challenging roles of Olga finds comedy, therefore success in comedies for her - a great professional satisfaction: "When critics call me a clown, I'm proud of." She knew immediately that Jeanne Arkadevna in the sitcom The Nanny must be comical, above it should laugh. And enthusiastically set to work.

 Olga Prokofiev
 "It is clear that it could make a dramatic negative heroine, but I deliberately did not go for it, and tried to give it absolutely contradictory traits. It borders on the vulnerability of anger, avarice - With the breadth of the soul, and so throughout. She is very resourceful, love life, a lot of working. I must have her lawyer can not speak, "- says the actress later an interview with "chic".

Plans for the future Olga like a true actress scale. She wants to play a strong historical identity, and dramatic contradictory. And yet brilliantly performs on the stage and removed Alexei Kiryushchenko, director sitcom The Nanny, in the movie "Chonkin" based on the popular works Voinovich.

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