Warehouse 13 (Warehouse 13) carefully artifact!
   Production of TV series has already become a huge industry with its written and unwritten rules. Ratings, intrigue, scandal, the legend - it is clear and self-evident. But apart from a purely marketing reasons, there is also some seasonal relevance of the show. It is considered that serious, and with a sense of prehistory, serials will resonate with the audience only when the weather outside is poor and does not distract from thinking; but when it's warm, sunny and the birds are singing, the brain potential viewers off and call him useless.

Therefore, the channels produced very special "summer" show - light, uncomplicated fun. So, the main "sun" of the summer 2009 novelty channel SyFy (formerly known as the Sci-Fi) was the adventure series Warehouse 13 (Warehouse 13).

On July 7, the channel went premiere series, and by the middle of August it became known that the leadership SyFy so pleased with the results of the first season of the show that is true summer vein - without unnecessary "razmyshlizmy" - extend it for a second season. That series like Exhausted summer sun audience shows and statistics: Warehouse 13 became the highest rating show of the 17-year history of the channel (3.7 million viewers per week, of which 1.4 million in the category of 18 - 49 years). What is the cause - the global crisis on the economy and forced vacation turputevku front of the TV or maybe the show is really interesting and worthwhile though summer, yet attention is difficult to judge. Oblivion - summer, although under heavy autumn sky little foolishness warm season already seems insignificant ...

Once upon a time in the world and work hard for the benefit of the two states of the US agent Mika (Joanne Kelly), an excellent student and athlete, and Peter (Eddie McClintock) sloven and just a good man. Once they had to - all, by the way, and accidentally getting under each other's feet - to save the life of the president himself, for that they got, of course, increase. Unclear, however, some increase: from the capital was transferred to the distinguished Agent Tmutarakan (namely - to South Dakota) under the guidance of Mrs. Frederic. At the warehouse, rather, in the vault with an unpleasant number 13 ...

And that store was not just an ordinary police warehouse with different "pieces" - evidence, seized goods, and similar useless to anyone on the expiration of the statute of limitations nonsense, no! In the vast and seemingly unkempt hangar, as it turns out, is kept countless subjects, the purpose and origins are uncertain and anxious .  Artifacts of ancient civilizations, intricate little things obviously alien origin, religious objects, attributes and magical characters mysterious companies - hundreds, thousands, millions! Tons, gigabytes of unknown knowledge! But here's the catch: almost all "inhabitants" Warehouse 13 very rowdy and potentially dangerous if not for the whole planet Earth, since the US - just .  As it turns out, the US government was well aware of this, and therefore organized a warehouse - a long time ago .  And the number "13" is not is utterly magical overtones, but simply means that before in the history of the warehouse was twelve pieces of similar .

Keeper of the suspicious "good", named Artie, a strange, sloppy and refers to artifacts as close relatives; otelchik small mistress, in which dwelt Peter Mika sees auras and knows many secrets of a strange repository - for example, was familiar with the warehouse employees with previous numbers. Now deceased employees.

Mix on the subject of adventures of Indiana Jones and Lara Croft, "Detective Agency" Moonlight », X-files, and thousands more like them all at different times of movies / TV series - it's Warehouse 13. The classic plot, familiar moves (who said - the standard?), Lovely glavgeroya without further highlights expected intrigue - so nice to see without straining molten summer heat brains! But the summer has flown by, it's already time to a much more serious, is located to the thought processes ... A "Warehouse 13" is postponed with panamkoy bikini and loved to the next beach season.

  Rita Feotokis

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