She - a real princess of Beverly Hills, her father - a famous American producer whose soap operas look outside the country. But the life of Tori Spelling was not as easy as it looks at first glance. At a meeting with journalists "Marie Claire," she tries to prove that it is - not only the daughter of his father.

When I saw Tori on one photograph, I remembered a scene from an old movie with Marilyn Monroe, where she is on the bottom of the train passing and her skirt fluttering in hand. Here pictured Tori leans out of the car, the wind rustling in her hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 , Seen her shining eyes, I heard the laughter. Passers looks after her.

It all kind of shining, life is more beautiful than her character Donna from "Beverly Hills, 90210" or Catherine of her latest film "Trick". This low-budget, but at the same time very high quality film, gay love story. Tory plays there the role of bad comic actress. She does everything - singing, dancing.

We are with her in a bar in Hollywood. It almost does not attend such institutions. "I grew out of it. I just got tired of it - you go to a club and you see the same people, it was ten years ago. I rarely go there on Fridays. With friends".

She started acting in "90210" a decade ago. The life of her character was interesting and dramatic - domineering mother, a loving father, who later died of a heart attack, betrayal of friends ... Tori since entered into a role that sometimes the most loyal fans do not know, whose lives and whose pain they care more - Donna or Tori .
Tori Spelling's own life was no less intense and interesting. Popularity is not only a pleasant side. Honey is known to have two sides. The press often reports appeared about her alleged problems with alcohol, that she was suffering from anorexia Anorexia - causes and consequences  Anorexia - causes and consequences
   and even that it was removed several ribs ...

"At first, all I was very touched. But then I realized that I do not need to pay for all the gossip attention. "
Tori was born, to become famous. Little Princess and dad Aaron Spelling, among whose works - Dynasty, Beverly Hills. "My father gave me a good start. If not for him, I probably would not have become an actress. It did not matter, I played good or bad, people treated me biased. But I see all these actors, children of famous parents, and no one speaks ill of them. "

F: What do you most piercings: that's not true, what is written in the tabloids or what is still considered the "father's daughter"?
T: "Yes, what is written, of course, disgusting, but not the worst. More frustrating is that many people think that I'm easy to get because of my father. "Beverly Hills" only our joint work. I've filmed for television, and there was not one of my father's. "
At age 19, she left the luxurious 123-room mansion parent. She settled with her boyfriend Nick Savalas, having a reputation as a bad guy.
It is not as naive as her character Donna. She did not have a drug problem, did not betray her friends, and she wanted to remain a virgin until marriage, Donna. "I did not have its problems," - says Tori. However, she had a lot of their problems.
She grew up in extreme wealth, with constant praise, next to genius. I asked her whether it was true that one Christmas, my father ordered to deliver a lot of snow to California so she could sculpt a snowman. "Yes it is," - she says. It is also true that it is always a little ashamed of wealth and a limousine that drove her to school, stayed a few blocks from the school. I read that her mother took in their home the whole room for wrapping gifts. When I asked Tori true that their toilet is cleaned with the help of a computer, she laughed: "You must have gone mad. It was in Clueless. In fact, nobody has such toilets. "

While the Tories have not been living under the parental roof, its relationship with the father is very strong.

F: Do you still listen to his advice?
T: "One hundred percent. My dad - my biggest fan, and I believe what he says. If I acted in a film, I show him and ask what he thinks. I grew up in this business and has seen many people whose life has become a nightmare. We - me and my brother Randy - very modest and solid people. And it is thanks to the Pope. "

As a child, Tori was a shy child, constantly hiding behind the skirt of the mother. In early childhood, she wrote a sad poem and a play called "Steps in the sand" about a teenage girl who committed suicide.
"I always had my father's daughter - she says with pride. - We used to play together, I played his wife, and he is a little boy, and my mother - a wicked witch. I was in love with my father all the time. His opinion is always mattered. He was very kind and always told me that I am beautiful. "

F: The girls are always keen to find a mate in the image of the father, are you?
T: "I do not know. It is very difficult to find such as my father. My father - the best man and he loves my mother. It is estimated that in recent years women have become more independent and they do not need to worry. But it is not, it certainly We need attention and care. "

Until now, the Tories took care differently. The above relationship with Nick Savalas were largely nightmare. "We were young. It was only 19 when we moved in together. I always acted, and it has not worked. We were together for two and a half years. I do not want to get married without first having lived with a man. Why, if we can not live together? "

Despite her hypersensitivity, it has an unexpected strength and ability to sharp judgments. Now she lives with a dog and three cats. "When I lived with a guy, we had a cat. When we parted, I bought two more. They say that the animals help to survive the separation. "

F: Who you meet with someone?
T: "Yes. We were just friends for a long time, and now we are officially together. He is also an actor, but I will not talk about it. I am a superstitious person and I do not want our relationship ended when everyone will know about it. I like to read about other people, but not for myself. "

M: Where did you meet?
T: "At the shooting. We just talked as friends. Get close was his decision, because I was ready for a long time. The girls will fall in love, guys are more pragmatic. So after two and a half years of dating, we took the next step. "

M: That's because Beverly finished shooting?
T: "No."

She pulls her hair, but her eyes avoided my gaze. It differs from its previous guys, I ask, knowing that they are not very reliable. "He earns his living and is able to contain me. It is very good. It's hard when you have more money than your boyfriend. I never knew whether they want to be with me because of the influence of my father, or simply because they like me. When we met, he had already had a job, so do not need me as a means of getting to work. "

M: Have you ever been convinced of the correctness of the chosen profession?
T: "No. As a teenager, I doubt very much, and now I'm confused. It's hard to resist when there are millions of beautiful girls. "

I tell her that in life it is much more beautiful than on the screen. She looks sad, but the laughs: "I swear to God, I do not say it. I take it as a compliment. "

F: Is there any part of your body that you do not like?
T: "I love my telo.Hotya ... I hated my nose when I was younger."

F: You did a nose correction?
T: "Yes. Each anything corrects, although I read on the internet that I corrected a lot. "

F: That's not true?
T: "I had fake nails at one time. But the best thing that I read about myself, it is something that I, it turns out, have removed 6 ribs, so I'm so thin. It really surprised me, "- he said she was a little intense.

It is not only prettier than you expected, it is more elegant and it is easy to communicate. When we finished the interview, she kindly dovezla me in his car to the house.


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