Ximena Fassi is on the set of "Jago" and shivering from the cold. Producer Gabriel Feira hurry to wrap her in a black fur coat Fur - Fashion nobility and charm of vintage  Fur - Fashion nobility and charm of vintage
 , Which is usually a part of the wardrobe Hianelly Neira, the main star of the show. And in general, Feira Fassi leaves for a moment during the interview. Sister Jimena, and even her friend, who are in the day at the site, and do not depart from it. "Yes, it's crowded interview" - laughing Fassi, referring to the number of the people around us. What can you do, let him guard the girl from Israel, "wolf", come a long way to Buenos Aires, which would be to interview her.

Tell us about your character in "Iago"

I - Laura Morena best friend and her conscience. That I tell her what is wrong and what is good, pointing it at some things that she does not notice. Almost like a mother. I'm in love with Celso, who introduced himself to me as a lawyer. At the time, I needed a lawyer, and I asked him to settle some business. He did what he could, though, and has no otnoscheniya jurisprudence. Celso lied to me that he has an old house, but it soon becomes clear that all this deception. Between us start a relationship of "Come - go away, lied lied-not forgiven - not just" etc.

What do you like most about "Iago"?

The atmosphere, the relationship between the actors. Initially, it was much harder to be on the set, and now the atmosphere is more free, warm and pleasant. Everything just wonderful, and I am not saying this for effect. In fact-just a thrill!

We in Israel know you on the TV series "like you and me." Where do you still shoot?

Is "Forbidden LoveĀ» (Los Buscas de Siempre) to have not reached? And probably, you got international version! I joined the "RL" in the last series, which saw only the audience in Argentina. Fernando played his sister, not as bad a character as he is. This is the woman who controls the operation of the bar. I looked it quite differently - very extravagant clothing and hairstyle.

What do you remember most from the process of filming the telenovela "How are you and I?"

I remember how Esteban Strait (Agustin) beat me all the time, what would the relationship between us were "like brother and sister." (laughs). Rodolfo Ranney (Pancho) made me die of laughter. It is a something! I could never remember his text and submit it to a small computer, but it did not really help. And I had fun with Juan Palomino. From the series "How are you and I," I got a real friend - from the production team, and Claribel Medina and Esteban strait. We are still constantly in touch ...

Do you still remember your first "audishn"?

It was awful, and, of course, I did not get the role. It was a nightmare. For his first role on television, I did not pass through the sample. My drama teacher was one of the producers, and she offered me the role. But until now I pass the sample. With "Iago" it was not because I had even sent a "tel" cassette with my best scenes. In general, I am in this profession for 12 years.

How it all began?

I went with my girlfriend on the 13th channel. She wanted to see the actors, and I agreed to accompany her on the condition that I would not be ashamed for her and that she would not ask for autographs of the stars. We arrived and the atmosphere charmed me. I went home and told my mom that's what I want to do. It shocked her because she is a young man dreamed of becoming an actress, but she met my father, and abandoned the dream. So I, in fact, carried it to her mother. And then my aunt gave me for my birthday money, I could pay kotoromi courses at acting, and so it all began.

There is someone in the family pertaining to the play-acting?

I have a 20-year-old sister, who now sits in front. She wants to be a producer, and this is the reason of its appearance on the set. I have another 24-year-old sister and brother 29 years, but none of them has to do with this business. I, by the way, 26 years old.

Are you married?

Not really. Like as. Do not ask what it means, I do not know. I'm here for six years now I live with a man, whose name is Gabriel. He impresario, we have a son Mathias four and a half years. I accidentally met him at the home of fellow actors. He came, we fell in love, and now we have a son.

What the theater, cinema, singing, dancing?

I dance at home. I sing in the shower, and really want to play in a movie. The theater has not played since childhood. Recently began to study singing. So it may be someday sing.

What do you dream about?

Grow up and get big roles. I would like to be "bad" in the telenovela. Dreamed pozlodeystvovat in "Forbidden Love", but in the end, had only a sister villain role. It would like to one day become a leading actress, why not? In the world of telenovelas - this is the maximum that you can get, and I want it. This is normal, no?

What do you know about Israel?

I was not there, though Gabriel - a Jew, and we have many friends in Israel. I have a neighbor who has a lot of friends of Israel. She was in Israel, and when she returned, told me how to turn on the TV and saw me. It is something!


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