At first I was a little hesitant to write this article, because true fans of this couple probably already aware of what happens to their idols. But then still decided that connoisseurs will be pleased to once again read about their pets, and those who are not so closely following their creativity, learn them something new. So ...

Natalia Oreiro .
(Articles and interviews from the magazine «Pronto»)

The year 2001 was special for Natalia Oreiro .  Putting on time career as an actress, and finally parting with someone who was her fiance for six years, krasavitsa- Uruguayan fully devoted herself to singing career .  She has traveled halfway around the world with the concert dedicated to the release of her second album "Tu Veneno" .  In between trips Natalia found time to fall in love again .  This time it was the chosen rock musician Ricardo Mollo - leader of the group "Divididos", his love for Natalia admitted that a month after the beginning of their relationship .  But soon the news of her new fiance receded .  What happened? What has happened is that after many denials by the main participants in this story officially became aware of the affair between former fiance Oreiro - Pablo Echarri and actress Nancy Duplaa .  Rumours of a relationship of actors starring in the popular telenovela Azul Televisión .  "Las buscas de siempre" began to circulate during the filming .  In other words, it all started in late 2000, at a time when Pablo was sold only with Natalia and Nancy gave birth to a son, and was married to television presenter Matthias Martin .  But then all at once rushed to deny these rumors .  Many even thought that, as has happened before, Echarri reconciled with Oreiro .  However, Natalia relationship with Pablo were already in the past, so learning a few months ago about the "novel of the year", as it is dubbed journalists, she beamed and assured that he wants his former fiance happiness with his new lover . 

Nati, which was the best and worst of your life over the past year?

I think that the worst for me was the same as that for all. This is the situation in Argentina. I am very sad about what is happening. All this is very sad. The violence, the resignation of the president, hunger Psychology and physiology of hunger - the two sides of the same coin  Psychology and physiology of hunger - the two sides of the same coin
 , Robbery ... I resent what is happening as all Argentines, because despite the fact that I - Uruguayan, I feel Argentine. And the best in the past year was ...


Yes, what I fell in love - the best thing that happened to me (smiles).

What do you think about all this hype around the novel Pablo and Nancy Duplaa?

In truth, I was more struck by the fact that, while in the country to do such horrible things, someone cares about all this. But otherwise, it seems to me, what is happening between them - it's wonderful.

Do you think they are - beautiful couple?

Yes, of course. Very beautiful.

When, after the success of "Wild Angel", where she played with Facundo Arana, Natalia announced that reserves at the time of his acting career to devote himself to singing, many began to demand her return to television screens. Although her albums and performances were a success, it was clear that the fans of this little and they want to see Natalia heroine of the series. And here she comes back. At the beginning of the year it is scheduled to begin shooting a new telenovela with her participation. Despite the public statements of the actress that she would like to see their partner Facundo Arana, producers considered several candidates in the end decided to stop at such Gaston Pauls. (This name was first performed it in this material. In the Spanish version of article eating verb tenses, meaning not a fait accompli, but only a possibility. All this casts doubt on the accuracy of the published data. In addition, the press increasingly speaks of Pablo Rago as Possible partners Natalia. - Note. Trans.)

2002 will be marked by its return on your TV?

And there is. Filming should begin on February 15 and I think that in March and April telenovela will air.

Well, who is it that will be your partner?

M-th-th-th-th ... Everybody knows that I'm a chatterbox, but in this case I can not tell.

You asked not to tell?

The fact that this series will be aired in April, why talk about it in advance a little risky. I would love to tell you everything I know, but I can not. While it is true there is one name that has been widely discussed.

And you know it.

I am too frank. What to do!

Who decides, for example, in this case, someone to take the lead role?

Produced naturally.

And then you approve the selected candidate?

No. In fact, it is almost always done by mutual consent. We all want the project to be interesting to him was a success. But frankly, decisions are taken by the producers. And I think, well, that's true. Of course, in general, everything is discussed, but did not I decide who will be the protagonist. I'm just an actress, and no more.

So your desire to work with Arana not satisfied? You've requested that your partner was exactly it.

Well, actually, I did not ask. Indeed, we have a great relationship with Facundo, I love him as a person and I consider it an excellent partner. In addition, it seems to me that it is amazingly talented actor. No wonder "lago ..." where he played a major role, was the best telenovela of the year. Of course, I would be happy if he was my partner. But, in truth, I did not set such conditions.

Are you sure?

It was one of the options. But it seems that work separately, too bad. As in "Wild Angel" We played together with him to star in the new telenovela would be a bit straightforward, do not you think? So I understand why decided to choose another actor.

Can you talk a little bit about what is telenovela?

Very little. We want to do something original, as far as possible in this genre, which has already filmed a lot. But I love comedy, and I hope that in the comic telenovela will start.

Now, have not yet started filming, do you relax?

No, not at all. I am working on that is associated with the launch of the telenovela. In addition, if all goes well, in February, I will speak at a charity concert in Ferro.

And how to develop your musical career this year? Mollo will be your producer?

No, no, no (laughs). These are different things.

What then?

For several months I have been working on a new album with producer Kike Santander mine (a well-known person in the world of show business, worked with such Latin music stars like Marc Anthony, Thalia, Cristian Castro et al. - Note. Trans.)   According to our calculations the drive will go on sale in August - September. But we do everything on the conscience, without haste.

So you leave on time touring? But your concerts were a success abroad ...

Well, fortunately, the entire 2000 and 2001. I was able to devote tours around the world. But, as I said before, I can not at the same time to go on tour and removed, and now I say that has not yet run out of shooting, I can not go back to the performances.

So, what are you going to act and not to travel to different countries, will give you the opportunity to
spend more time with her lover?

Yes, work in Argentina will allow me to spend more time with all those whom I love, and with him, too, of course.

It seems that the relationship between Oreiro and Mollo develop incrementally. There were even rumors that the couple bought three hectares of land in Roca los Campos de, in order to have a place where you can meet with old age. However, while everything points to the fact that they continue to live separately. It is - in Palermo Viejo, and he - in Parque Leloir (prestigious area of ​​Buenos Aires. - Note. Trans.) .

You thought that with Ricardo to live together?

No, not yet. We are all very well, we have a great relationship, but I do not want to talk about his personal life.

Do you want to advertise your relationship, because you could not do that when you were with Echarri?

Of course, with such a profession, there are things that are hard to avoid. But I try to protect what I love. But these relations are very important to me. So I want to save them. Forever.

Are you married?

We did not plan anything

But you all right?

All is well.

The first time you meet with a man much older than herself. How do you cope with such a difference in age? (20 years - Note. Trans.)

It is remarkable to me is quite natural. And I'm very happy.

Facundo Arana.

As we know, December 21, finished shooting "Iago -temnaya passion." They end Facundo went to rest, according to rumors, on the coast, to pursue their favorite sport - windsurfing.

In early January, the actor briefly returned from vacation and announced his retirement from the TEL channel and switch to Pol-ka Adrian Suar. According to him, on tel him just fine, that, thus, denies rumors about a grand scandal, was accompanied by slamming doors and swearing.

What Arana moved to another channel, it is understandable .  The fact is that, as we have already reported, on tel planned to run two telenovela .  One day goes (at the time when they showed "Jago .   ") - This is a telenovela Natalia Oreiro .  The second - is done for the evening air, the star of this project will be Osvaldo LaPorte .  Thus, the evening air is not available, and in the telenovela with Natalia, as we know, Arana also not be removed .  The reasons for this may be different .  It may be a decision of the producers of the project (what says in an interview with Natalia), and the decision of Haran, and can be a matter of mutual .  Understand it and the arguments and the producers can .  This show is done under Oreiro, the more it will play two roles at once - sisters-twins .  It is clear that the main character there will be nowhere to turn .  A question arises - why is it necessary to Facundo and why is it necessary to producers .  For now Arana - a star, and "two stars, two light novels" too much for one of the series .  This means that you need twice as much money, as well as two well-drawn main roles, so much so that the light of the heavenly body does not eclipse the other .  In addition, perhaps, the producers were afraid of possible associations with the "Wild Angel" . 

A run is a third telenovela has a very Facundo, to keep him from leaving - no money, no free air time. They say the actor is offered a rest while waiting for a new role, because it seems there are plans to take the show with him in the second half. But, you sit and wait for the sea weather - stupid. Especially young, energetic actor, who also have the opportunity to break out of the familiar role of the hero-lover Lover: the real situation  Lover: the real situation
 , Once again proving that he is not only a good appearance, but the acting talent. In connection with this recall Hollywood actors, the exterior of which is also perfect for the roles in melodramas and which, nevertheless, are fleeing from such roles as the devil from holy water Frankincense is a gift of the Magi  Frankincense is a gift of the Magi
 . Take, for example, the same George Clooney. So, he was once asked why he did not act in romantic comedies (the same melodrama, but with a happy ending). To which he replied: "The problem of romantic comedies is that in all of them know in advance. The heroes meet, initially hate each other, and eventually get married, I would not pay for a ticket to see a film." Not to mention Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio, who specifically choose their role, in which there is no hint of an opportunity to show off the external data. They all strive to show his great talent and play some unattractive personality. I think that Arana had become too closely in this genre. Although we will not rule out the possibility that he will be back on the TEL and play something romantic to the delight of his fans.

In the meantime, plans for the actor - shooting in the new series Studio Pol-ka "009, central", where we will focus on team consisting of police officers, firefighters and doctors.

Facundo play policeman by the name of Manuel and his partner will be the aforementioned bride Pablo Echarri - Nancy Duplaa. The actress will play a woman-policeman - a character who will be a continuation of its role in the recently ended police series "22, el loco", where her partner was himself, Adrian Suar. In the attention of the hero Facundo will also qualify and Cecilia Dopaso ("Wings of Love"), which will play a doctor. In contrast to the classic telenovela, there will be a few storylines (as in "ER"), but still will dominate the line Nancy and Facundo. Here, in general, and all that is known about the future of the series. It should be noted that about the same about his role and he knows Arana.

Briefly returning from vacation, the actor had to play in a photo shoot with Duplaa give a few interviews and take part in a new TV show channel 13 "Un aplauso para el asador", has already criticized in the press (not for Arana, of course, that as always It was at the height, but because of how it behaved leading).

From fragmentary information about the content of the data actor interviews, it became known that he is very happy to work with Nancy and considers it a wonderful person and a wonderful actress (which, however, did not come as a surprise, as Arana all its partner responds exceptionally well). Duplaa, in turn, did not stay in debt, noting that Facundo is not only beautiful appearance, but more importantly, excellent human quality. Already during a joint photo shoot actors demonstrated excellent "chemistry." It is fair to admit that Duplaa considered remarkable actress and in Argentina it is very lyubyat.Tak that viewers are waiting, not wait start of the show to see this wonderful tandem.

And yet again Arana went to rest, to gather strength for a new role (shooting "009, central" is expected to begin in mid-February).

Well, we can only wish good luck to actors in their new projects. Natalia - a successful return to television, and Facundo - successful change roles.

It is unfortunate that we are deprived of the possibility in the near future to see them together. And separately, probably, too, especially given the current policy of the channels based on cost savings. While it may be, RTR and buy a new telenovela Natalia, but the possibility to contemplate Facundo dream is not necessary. Leadership of the Russian channel (where most of the Argentine show series) do not know that in this country is loved not only by Andrea del Boca and Grecia Colmenares. But, as they say, hope dies last ...

So do not lose hope, ladies and gentlemen!

Maria Zolotussky

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Article Tags:
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