• Calculation of ideal weight: a formula of health and attractiveness
  • Indices

 calculation of ideal weight indexes

Calculation of ideal weight: codes

The ideal weight is the dream of many women. But few know what it is. Of course there are different formulas to calculate it, but is it worth it to seek such a weight of one or another woman should be dealt with individually, because we all have different ages and the constitution - the features of the structure of the body that are given to us from birth. Body weight - one of the most important indicators of the physical development of man. Body weight depends on age, body structure and physiological characteristics of the organism. These or other changes in body weight also occur depending on the physical activity and pathological processes in the body.

For example, an increase in body weight observed in immoderate diet, some types of metabolic disorders Metabolic disease  Metabolic disease
   or activity of the endocrine glands. Weight loss can be caused by malnutrition, disorders of the digestive system, certain endocrine and metabolic diseases, severe infections, etc.


The normal and ideal weight

It called normal body weight, equal to the average obtained in the survey specific age groups. An ideal or optimum weight is usually lower than normal, is the weight at which the maximum expected lifespan. It is believed that the ideal weight Ideal weight: the truth - in the calculations  Ideal weight: the truth - in the calculations
   more in line with the weight of 25-year-olds.

For the calculation of normal weight suggested many formulas, especially widely used Rostov-weighted indices, characterizing the weight relative to its length. For example, the index of Broca: of height in cm subtract 100. For people taller proposed correction to this formula because of Bekkert normal weight is calculated by subtracting 103 with growth of up to 165 cm, 106 - with the growth of 166-175 cm, 110 - with growth more than 175 cm.

There are other improvements Broca index. So, for the allocation on the age of the resulting index Brock need to take about 10% for persons aged 30 years and for men after age 50 add about 5%.

Brock advanced formula to take into account the type of constitution (peaking individual anatomical features of the body) was measured wrist circumference. Types are divided into the constitution atenichesky (tall, thin, with thin bones of the skeleton) and normostenichesky hypersthenic (stocky, with wide bones). The rules of this index are as follows:

  • asthenic type of women - about 16 cm for males - 17 cm;
  • normostenichesky style for women - up to 18 cm for males - 20 cm;
  • hypersthenic for women - more than 18 cm for males - 20 cm.

To amend the Constitution according to the type of index Brock need from the resulting number to take away 10% asthenic body type, or add 10% giperstenicheskom type. When normostenicheskaya type Broca index does not change.

By M.Ya.Breytmanu ideal weight is 0, 35 standing body length + 1 4 chest circumference - 115. The ideal weight for women is Ott: A - 2/5 (A - 52), for men - A - 1 / 5 (A - 52), where A - by weight, calculated on an index Brock, without correction.


Body mass index (BMI)

Body mass index (BMI) - a value that allows you to identify whether the mass (weight) of a person normally or in this case there is any deviation from the norm (exhaustion or, on the contrary, obesity). BMI was invented by Belgian mathematician Quetelet in the mid-19th century, but widespread BMI was in our time: this index are the doctors to clarify the diagnosis of obesity, which is especially important for endocrine patients and ordinary people to control body weight .

BMI can be calculated as: I = m / h2, where m - is the weight in kilograms, h - height in meters, I - BMI (measured in kg / m2).

In our time, it is taken into account BMI as follows:

  • less than 15 - acute malnutrition;
  • 15 to 20 - underweight body;
  • 20 to 25 - normal weight;
  • 25 to 30 - overweight;
  • 30 to 35 - obesity first degree;
  • from 35 to 40 - second-degree obesity;
  • 40 and over - the third degree obesity.

The disadvantage of the BMI is that it does not take into account what kind of fabric developed in the human body, so they can not be used mechanically, you should always make individual amendments, such as athletes, who are very well developed muscle mass.

Help to clarify the situation of the central obesity indices. Adipose tissue in the body is stored under the skin and around internal organs, mainly in the abdominal cavity. The first type is called the peripheral obesity, the second - the central. Harmful is central type of obesity, it can significantly reduce the life expectancy.

Central obesity indices are calculated in different ways, the simplest of them - the ratio of waist circumference (measured at the level of the navel) to the hip circumference (measured at the widest point). Normally, this index is equal to: women - 0, 85 and smaller in men - 1, 0 and downward.

Normal weight need to be sure, but the ideal to strive for.

  Galina Romanenko

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