Many familiar saying "mens sana in corpore sano", but not many people think that it is important to take care of the condition of the brain. After all, how well will the brain, depends on many things - not only memory but also health.
The brain consumes ¼ of energy and 1/5 the amount of oxygen needed by the body. It contains 100 billion neurons that make possible multiple functions possessed by man. Brain volume - approximately 1500 cc, which is 2% of the total body. The brain - without a doubt, the most important organ of the state which should take care of regularly. Care is primarily in nutrition
Proper nutrition: I stopped eating at night
the brain and to a certain load, which it requires.
To function properly, the brain needs oxygen, glucose and protein. To all of this came in the right proportion, it is necessary to observe certain rules of supply.
- Reduction of "fast" sugars. If you consume large amounts of sweets, it provokes a raising of the level of insulin, but the sugar in an amount not absorbed into the blood, which provokes hypoglycemia, and as a consequence - fatigue, nervousness, loss of concentration.
- The consumption of complex carbohydrates. Brain vital complex carbohydrates that can be obtained from brown rice, cereals, coarse black bread. Even at dinner should not abandon the complex carbohydrates, as will the sleep period, during which the body uses energy, and glucose level decreases. Because of the lack of complex carbohydrates, you can even get a sleep disorder.
- Reduce alcohol consumption. Alcohol - enemy of the good state of the brain. People who abuse alcohol, have problems with the thinking function, as the fabric of alcohol heavily damaged.
- Moderate consumption of eggs. Egg yolk contains lecithin necessary brain and protein needed as a building material. 3-4 eggs a week - the norm for the health of the brain.
- Fatty acids. Brain cells comprise lipids so polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 to its good operation required.
Useful Fruit
Avocado contains 77% lipids which deliver the brain important fatty acid. It also has vitamin E - an antioxidant that fights aging
Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance
. Broccoli - low-calorie product. Its blossoms are 90% of the water but are rich in iron, potassium and vitamin
Vitamins for everyone
C. Bananas are very useful for the brain, because they contain potassium, vitamin B6, responsible for the health of the nervous system.
Vitamins for the brain
- Vitamins B1, B3 or PP, B6 and B12 are needed for the memory, vitamin B9 (folic acid), B6 and B12 do not allow to acquire the arteries with fatty plaques.
- Vitamin B6 is in cereals and dried fruits, B3, B6, B12, found in meat, fish and eggs, folic acid is to be found in green vegetables and white beans.
- Vitamins C and E - powerful antioxidants. Vitamin E is found in fennel, grape seed oil; Vitamin C - red fruits, berries, citrus, mango, kiwi.
Trace elements
For brain health is vital to the iron, lack of which always causes fatigue, lethargy, apathy, mental decline. Choosing foods with iron content must focus more on the ones that are of animal origin, vegetable week. In the first case body can absorb from 20 to 30% iron, the second - about 2%. It must be sought in oily fish, red meat, seafood
- Iodine - is another element that is responsible for the brain. With a lack of iodine in children may develop thyroid disease that will affect the well-being and mental abilities. Iodine is in sea cabbage, fatty fish and other seafood.
- Magnesium - element, responsible for the function of neurotransmitters in mood. Its deficiency leads to spasms to hyperexcitability and irritability. It is found in the dried fruit, dark chocolate, spinach, seafood.
- Zinc is responsible for the mental work, cognitive ability. He is in a large number of seafood, some kinds of cheese and whole grain.
Learn by heart - the best charging for the brain, memory training, which is very useful in the future, when you have to remember anything. It is not necessary to teach poetry or prose - you can train on anything. For example, try to remember phone numbers, schedule, crossword puzzles, puzzles, reading.
Saturation of oxygen to the brain - one of the duties of a man who wants to have a good memory and mental abilities. Breathing should be slow and deep, occasionally it is necessary to pay attention to breathing exercises.
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