In the summer the heat is sometimes unbearable. The temperature rises, humidity rises, and it seems life is completely subordinate to this essential phenomena, paired with our favorite season. But there are ways to make it easier for themselves the heat - they are simple, economical and effective.
Cool off
To refresh your body, all means are good. If you are at home, take a cool shower or a warm bath to moisten the skin and get rid of sweat. Outside the house in the summer do not forget about the pool, swimming in bodies of water - the lake, on the river. But be very careful, wary of taking such procedures in the lunch hours, or risk getting sunstroke.
Drink regularly (even when you do not want)
The body consists mostly of liquid, so it is necessary to replenish stocks daily. Two liters of clean water a day - is the norm. But in the summer when it's hot, the body loses a lot of water, so the demand for it increases, or become dehydrated, with serious consequences for the organism. It is not necessary to abuse cold drinks, because the temperature difference in this case is very important for health. Pure water can be interspersed with juice or fruit rich in liquid, fruit tea, cold soups.
You are in a place with air-conditioning
When very hot, it is best to plan your day according to weather conditions. For example, if your home does not have special devices for cooling, then you can go, for example, in a movie theater or shopping mall, which often offer quite pleasant temperature for customers. Certainly you need to make shopping, or you've been going to the movies - go just when the thermometer creeps up in a place where there is air conditioning.
Wear loose-fitting clothing
Cotton and linen
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Which, moreover, is not close to the body - the best allies during the sweltering heat. Well, if they are black - sweat, they absorb, will not zameten.Zabudte about synthetics in the summer time - the body sweats, disturbed skin breath, irritation occurs.
Let cool air in the house
Try to keep your home well ventilated in the evening and during the day is better to keep the windows closed - anyway you will not be cooler than the hot air from the street. Get a good fan, which can be put or hung from the ceiling.
Enjoy a refreshing spray
Umbrellas can not carry everywhere, but you can spray for refreshment. It does not take much space in your purse, to use it is easy and pleasant. During the day, spray the spray on your face, moisturize the skin and refresh.
Avoid "hot clock"
When the temperature is about 30 ° C, you should think about what is best any case be postponed or early in the morning or late in the evening, especially if they are associated with being on the street. Always protect the head and the skin on the body - wear hats
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or an umbrella from the sun to avoid sunstroke. Fan - a good alternative to the fan, who stays at home.
Do not be nervous
Everyone knows that when a person is nervous, he was sweating, body temperature rises, it becomes hot and stuffy. Even more uncomfortable it will feel when all this happens in the summer. Do not take your health and try to remain calm.
In addition, the intense heat forget about active sports, especially - in the sun. Otherwise, apart from burns and sunstroke can get a heart attack.
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