Pregnancy Nutrition
 Pregnancy brings about changes in lifestyle and diet Diet: food, without which you can not do  Diet: food, without which you can not do
   women. Expectant mother need to review your daily routine, to increase the time allocated for a walk, do gymnastics, limit stress, and may have to change jobs because of hazardous conditions. Is no exception and nutrition during pregnancy - it has to be right, the quality and regular. Indeed, the development of a child is directly related to the feeding pregnant gets enough protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
   and mineral substances necessary for the growth of the fetus, placenta formation and operation. Because, as overeating and lack of food leads to various complications in the mother's body, and to a breach of the fetus.

 Pregnancy and Nutrition: rules and restrictions

Types of malnutrition

Options malnutrition few:

  • Lack of food

Some women are scared of familiar stories about the big weight gain during pregnancy, so try to limit yourself to food. Others are afraid of getting fat and starved herself all sorts of diets. Third, even during pregnancy do not depart from the vegetarian principles, despite the fact that even the church allows expectant mothers to break the post.

  • Incorrect ratio of required products

Food for pregnant should differ diversity and equivalent in nutrients, vitamins and minerals. By emphasizing carbohydrates pregnant risked buy extra weight, constipation, and problems with the teeth. Significantly increase protein intake by limiting the amount of fat and carbohydrates, nedobiraet necessary weight with all the ensuing consequences. Proteins will be spent as an energy source rather than as a building material for the unborn child.

  • Inadequate quality of products

During pregnancy should pay attention to the quality of products. It is better to overpay a little bit, but to buy food at the supermarket tested. This includes items and fast food, hot dogs, pizza, burgers. Preparation junk food does not always comply with sanitary regulations, moreover, in such a huge amount of food preservatives, dyes and flavor enhancers.

  • Overeating

The expression "future mother should eat for two" is not an incentive to action. Of course, during pregnancy, the body begins to work with the increased load, and the baby needed nutrients. But it is enough to increase your diet by 30%. Excess weight leads to the development of gestational diabetes Diabetes  Diabetes
 , The birth of a fetus with a large body mass and accumulation of problematic kilograms.

 Pregnancy and Nutrition: rules and restrictions

Terms of nutrition for pregnant women

To create a proper and healthy diet should observe a few simple rules:

  • Animal Extract

If possible, limit the use of semi-finished products, marinades, pickles and confectionery. Increase the content of fresh fruits and vegetables.

  • Eco-friendly products

It is vegetables, fruits and cereals, assembled and packaged according to the rules, which must be listed on the packaging. It is unacceptable to use repeatedly thawed and frozen meat, fish, careful in the choice of canned food, they often contain food additives. Sausage is replaced by a piece of cooked lean meat or chicken.

  • Minimum cooking

Undoubtedly, potato fries taste better, but the potatoes boiled in their skins, useful. It retained more nutrients and vitamins, and French fries piled carcinogens and toxins. Fried foods should be replaced boiled or steamed.

  • The frequency of meals

Average meals that adhere to the woman before pregnancy should be changed in favor of more frequent meals. The portions should be smaller volume, both because of toxicity during the first trimester of pregnancy, and because of the compression and displacement of internal organs growing uterus at a later date (the occurrence of heartburn and regurgitation). In the first half of pregnancy meal should be 4-5 times a day, during the second half - 5-6 times per day. The last meal should be no later than two hours before bedtime.

Anna Sozinova

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